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نمونه سوال رایتینگ آیلتس

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: July 20 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The pie charts illustrate the distribution of users across five different age brackets on three social media platforms: Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Overall, it is evident that Twitter has the highest percentage of users aged 18-34, while Facebook and YouTube are more balanced across various age groups. However, each platform shows distinct trends in age group preferences.

On Facebook, the largest user group is those aged 35-49, comprising 30% of the total users. This is closely followed by the 18-34 age group at 29%. Users aged 50-64 and 65+ account for 19% and 8%, respectively. The youngest group, aged 10-17, makes up 14% of Facebook users.

Similarly, YouTube has a significant concentration of users in the 18-34 age group, which constitutes 39% of its users. The 35-49 age group follows at 26%, while those aged 50-64 and 10-17 represent 20% and 15%, respectively. Users aged 65+ are the smallest group, making up only 10% of the total YouTube users.

Twitter shows a different pattern, with the 18-34 age group forming the largest segment at 40%. This is followed by the 35-49 age group at 29% and the 50-64 age group at 18%. The youngest users, aged 10-17, account for 9%, while the oldest group, aged 65+, is the smallest at 4%.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The increasing number of people moving to mega-cities has sparked considerable debate over whether this trend is beneficial or detrimental. In my view, although there are certain advantages associated with living in such densely populated areas, the disadvantages tend to outweigh the benefits.

On the positive side, mega-cities often become economic centers, providing numerous job opportunities. The concentration of various industries attracts people from all over the country and even the world. So people would enjoy higher employment rates in such urban centers. In addition, residents of mega-cities generally have better access to education, healthcare, and entertainment, which enhances their quality of life. For instance, cities like Tokyo and New York offer world-class facilities and services that smaller cities mostly do not.

However, the rapid growth of mega-cities also brings significant challenges. One major issue is the pressure on infrastructure. Public transportation, housing, and sanitation systems often struggle to keep up with the increasing population. This often leads to overcrowding and inadequate services. Moreover, the environmental impact is profound. Mega-cities tend to have higher levels of pollution and waste, contributing to climate change and affecting the health of residents. Social problems also escalate in mega-cities. The vast population can lead to increased crime rates and social inequality. The gap between the rich and the poor becomes more pronounced, creating tensions and undermining social cohesion.

In conclusion, while mega-cities offer economic opportunities and improved access to services, the negative aspects, such as infrastructure strain, environmental impact, and social problems, make this trend more detrimental than beneficial. It is crucial for urban planners and policymakers to address these issues to ensure sustainable and livable environments in mega-cities.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: July 27 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The plans show the changes in the layout of a school library from five years ago to its present design. Overall, the library has seen significant transformations, both in its physical structure and the range of facilities it offers.

Five years ago, the library had a simple layout. The main reading area occupied the center of the space, surrounded by shelves stocked with books. Four study tables were located evenly across this area. To the left, a compact service area included the borrowing and returning desk, a classroom, and a small meeting room. The library office was laid in the bottom right corner.

Since then, the library has undergone significant transformations, both structurally and in terms of facilities. The space has been expanded to include a recording studio and a conference room. The study area has been redesigned to offer more privacy for students, and the borrowing desk has been relocated to a central position. The old computer desks have been replaced with laptop desks, and the removal of the library office and classroom indicates a greater focus on student use of the space.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

Some people believe that paying taxes is sufficient to contribute to society. Others argue that citizens have broader responsibilities beyond merely financial contributions. In my perspective, although fulfilling tax obligations is undeniably essential, it should not be considered the sole duty of a responsible citizen.

On the one hand, those who think paying taxes is enough argue that taxes are crucial for the functioning of society. Taxes finance public services such as healthcare, education, infrastructure, and security. By fulfilling their tax obligations, individuals support the government in maintaining and developing these services, which benefit everyone. This financial contribution is seen as their primary duty, as it enables the government to function effectively and provide for its citizens.

On the other hand, some people believe that citizens have more responsibilities beyond just paying taxes. They argue that personal involvement in community activities, volunteering, and helping those in need are equally important. For example, community service projects, local charities, and neighborhood programs often rely on the time and effort of volunteers. These activities not only address local issues directly but also create a sense of community and social connection, which are essential for a healthy society.

In conclusion, I tend to think that while paying taxes is undoubtedly important, it should not be the sole responsibility of a citizen. Taxes provide the financial support for many societal functions, but involvement and participation in the community are equally vital. By combining financial contributions with p

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 2 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The pie charts illustrate the distribution of graduates with different qualifications working in an engineering company in the years 1980 and 2008. Overall, there were noticeable changes in the qualifications of the workforce over the 28-year period. The proportion of employees with higher degrees such as Ph.D. in Science and Ph.D. in Art increased, while those with lower degrees like First degree in Science and Art generally decreased.

In 1980, the largest group of employees had a Master's degree in Science, making up 29% of the workforce. This was closely followed by those with a Ph.D. in Science at 25%. Employees with a First degree in Science accounted for 20%, while those with a Master's degree in Art comprised 13%. Graduates with a First degree in Art represented 11%, and the smallest group was those with a Ph.D. in Art at only 2%.

By 2008, the proportion of employees with a Ph.D. in Science had risen to 30%, making it the largest group. The percentage of employees with a Master's degree in Science had remained constant at 29%. There had been a significant increase in the proportion of those with a Ph.D. in Art, which had risen to 7%. Conversely, the percentage of employees with a First degree in Science and a Master's degree in Art had both decreased to 12%. It is worth noting that those with a First degree in Art had also seen a slight decrease to 10%.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

While some argue that hosting events such as the Olympics or the World Cup bring numerous benefits to a country, others believe they pose significant drawbacks. This essay will explore both perspectives before offering a reasoned opinion.

On the one hand, proponents argue that hosting international sports events provides substantial economic and social benefits. The influx of tourists boosts local businesses, including hotels, restaurants, transport services, and create more job chances. Not only this, these events often lead to significant infrastructure improvements, such as enhanced public transport and new sports facilities. Furthermore, hosting such events can raise a country’s global image. It is generally true that holding such events can offer a platform to show the culture and hospitality of a nation. This positive exposure can attract future investment and promote tourism.

On the other hand, critics argue that the costs associated with hosting such events can outweigh the benefits. The financial burden of building or renovating sports facilities, with the expenses of organizing the event, can strain public budgets. Often, these facilities become underutilized after the event, and this would lead to wasted resources. It is clear that the focus on large-scale events can divert attention and funding from more pressing social issues, such as education and healthcare. Moreover, the environmental impact of hosting international sports events can be significant. Large-scale construction projects and increased travel can lead to environmental degradation.

In conclusion, while hosting international sports events can offer some advantages, the long-term costs and potential negative impacts on the environment should not be overlooked. I believe countries should embrace such opportunities and minimize the costs and risks with proper planning and management.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 8 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The table provides information on the annual milk production (in liters) in four countries, namely Netherlands, Australia, Tanzania, and Guatemala in 1990, 2000, and 2010. Overall, the Netherlands produced the most milk over the 20-year period, while Guatemala and Tanzania recorded significantly lower production levels. It is also worth noting that the milk production in Australia decreased over the period given.

In 1990, the Netherlands had the biggest milk production levels with 11,262,000 liters, closely followed by Australia at 11,246,000 liters. Both countries had experienced slight declines by 2000, with the Netherlands producing 11,155,000 liters and Australia 11,105,000 liters. However, by 2010, while the Netherlands saw a modest increase to 11,466,000 liters, Australia’s milk production dropped sharply to 9,165,000 liters.

On the other hand, Tanzania and Guatemala began the period with much lower production levels. Tanzania produced 87,000 liters in 1990 and this figure rose to 142,000 liters in 2000, finishing the period at 155,000 liters by 2010. Similarly, Guatemala started at 26,000 liters in 1990, this being the lowest among the four countries. Then the amount of milk production in this country more than doubled to 55,000 liters by 2000. Ultimately, it reached 84,000 liters by 2010.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

There are opposing ideas about whether students should bear the full cost of their university education because it primarily benefits them as individuals rather than society. While it is true that individuals gain personal advantages from higher education, I disagree that they should bear the entire financial burden.

Clearly, individuals benefit from higher education. They are more likely to get well-paying jobs, which enhances their quality of life. Therefore, it is fair that students contribute to their education costs, for example through tuition fees or loans that they pay back after graduation and finding employment.

However, it is also important to acknowledge that higher education contributes to the overall development of society. Graduates often become professionals in fields such as medicine, education, engineering, and law, where their expertise benefits the community as a whole. For instance, doctors and teachers provide essential services that improve the quality of life and the well-being of society. Moreover, not all students have the financial resources to pay for their education. If the full cost of university were paid only by students, many talented students might be unable to afford it, and this can lead to inequality in society and may have its own repercussions on society as a whole. In this sense, investing in university education is an investment in a healthy society, and therefore, it is reasonable for the government to subsidize some of the costs.

In conclusion, although students gain from university education, society benefits as well. Therefore, the costs should be shared between individuals and society. This way, education remains accessible to everyone and it is a win-win situation for both people and the society as a whole.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 9 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The table illustrates what percentage of UK visitors travelled to Spain across different age groups in 1981 and 2015. Over these years, there were noticeable upward and downward trends in the travel patterns of various age groups.

There were significant downward trends in two age groups. The 25-35 age group, which accounted for 50% of UK visitors in 1981, saw a marked decline to 32% by 2015. Similarly, the 35-45 age group experienced a decrease, dropping from 22% in 1981 to just 12% in 2015.

In contrast, several age groups exhibited upward trends. The proportion of visitors aged 16-24 increased notably, from 4% in 1981 to 15% in 2015, reflecting a growing interest in travel among younger people. The 55+ age group also saw a significant rise, nearly doubling from 16% in 1981 to 25% in 2015. It is worth noting that the youngest age group, those aged 0-15, experienced a slight increase from 10% to 12%.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

Recently, the trend of shops operating 24 hours a day, every day, has become increasingly common in certain areas. In my opinion, while such shops may benefit customers, they can have negative consequences for shop staff and the society in general.

As far as customers are concerned, having shops open all day and all night provides greater convenience and accessibility. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with busy schedules or those who work irregular hours. Moreover, it allows people to shop at their own convenience without feeling rushed or restricted by limited opening hours. This can clearly enhance customer satisfaction.

However, shops that operate 24/7 can have several negative effects on both employees and society. Working during antisocial hours disrupts sleep patterns of employees. This can lead to increased stress and reduced job satisfaction. In addition, the constant availability of goods can encourage impulsive buying habits, which can bring about a consumerist culture. Moreover, the pressure to meet the demand for round-the-clock service can result in staff exploitation, as employees are often expected to be available at all hours. Finally, these always-open establishments contribute to light pollution and increased noise levels, which can disturb the tranquility of residential areas and impact the quality of life for those living nearby.

In conclusion, while extended operating hours may bring comfort and access to customers, they can have negative implications for the people working in such shops and the society as a whole such as the strain on workers' health, the disruption of their work-life balance, and the broader societal impacts, such as the promotion of a consumerism and the environmental consequences.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 10 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The table provides data on how many universities ranked in the top 200 globally in 2011 across three subjects, namely Biology, Medicine, and Psychology, in five different countries.

Overall, the USA has the highest number of top-ranked universities across all three subjects, significantly outnumbering the other countries. The United Kingdom holds the second position, while Australia, New Zealand, and Canada have considerably fewer universities in the top rankings.

In Biology, the USA leads with 69 universities, this figure being more than double the number in the UK (30). Australia and Canada have 9 universities each, and New Zealand has the least, with only 6 universities.

Almost the same order can be observed in Medicine. The USA again dominates with 54 universities, compared to 24 in the UK. Australia follows with 13, Canada has 12, and New Zealand has only 2 universities.

For Psychology, the trend remains consistent, with the USA having 58 top universities. The UK comes next with 29, while Australia has 17, Canada has 14, and New Zealand ranks the lowest again with only 4 universities.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

In recent years, there has been a debate over whether governments should invest in public transport systems or focus on improving roads and highways. While both sides have their merits, I believe that public transportation offers greater benefits.

Proponents of improving roads and highways argue that better road infrastructure leads to smoother traffic flow and reduced congestion. This is particularly important in cities where the number of cars are large, and commuters rely heavily on personal vehicles. By upgrading roads and highways, the government can reduce traffic considerably. Furthermore, well-maintained highways are essential for the transportation of goods. This ease of transportation can contribute to economic growth.

However, investing in public transport offers more benefits. An efficient public transport system, such as buses and subways, can significantly reduce the number of cars on the road. This not only reduces traffic congestion but also lowers air pollution and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. In populous cities, public transport is often faster and more convenient than driving, which encourages more people to use it. Moreover, public transport is generally more affordable, making it accessible to a wider range of people, particularly those from poorer sections of society.

In conclusion, while improving roads and highways can help reduce traffic and support economic growth, investing in public transport provides greater overall benefits. Public transport reduces congestion, lowers pollution, and offers a more affordable option for many people. For these reasons, I tend to think that governments should prioritize public transport systems.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 11 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The table illustrates the number of UK residents who traveled abroad with different purposes between 1994 and 1998. Overall, holiday travel accounted for the largest portion of trips abroad, showing a steady increase throughout the five years. Business travel and visits to friends and relatives also experienced a moderate rise, while trips for other reasons fluctuated during this period.

In 1994, 15,246 residents traveled abroad for holidays, and this figure dropped slightly to 14,898 in 1995 before increasing significantly to 20,700 by 1998. Business trips showed a more gradual rise, starting at 3,155 in 1994 and reaching 3,957 in 1998. Visits to friends and relatives saw a similar trend, beginning at 2,689 in 1994 and rising to 3,181 by 1998.

Trips for other reasons remained the smallest category, with figures ranging from 896 in 1995 to 1,180 in 1996, but there was no clear upward or downward trend in this category over the period.

It is also worth noting that the total number of UK residents traveling overseas rose steadily from 22,072 in 1994 to 28,828 by 1998, meaning that there was a growing trend in overseas travel over those five years.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

When people move to another country, adapting to local customs is often considered essential. While I agree that accepting the host country's traditions is important for integration, I also believe individuals should maintain their own cultural identity.

Adapting to local customs has certain merits. Firstly, it helps immigrants integrate more easily into society. For example, in Japan, understanding and following the custom of bowing as a greeting can significantly improve social interactions and show respect to others, helping immigrants build stronger relationships and reduce cultural misunderstandings. In addition, understanding local customs can make daily life smoother, from social etiquette to business practices. For example, recognizing the importance of punctuality in Germany or removing shoes before entering homes in Asia helps immigrants navigate social situations more effectively.

However, it is equally important for people to preserve their own cultural heritage. In multicultural societies like the UK, immigrants often celebrate their traditions while also engaging in local customs. This can bring about mutual respect and enrich society as a whole. Also, it is essential for immigrants themselves to retain their identity. It is generally accepted that maintaining one’s cultural identity provides a sense of self-esteem and individuality. This allows immigrants to feel both valued and connected as part of a larger community, with their traditions being respected and valued.

In conclusion, I understand that adapting to local customs is beneficial for integration, but I tend to think that maintaining one’s cultural identity is of high importance for people from different cultural backgrounds.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 12 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The line graph compares the average number of spectators (in thousands) attending top-level football matches in Italy, England, and Germany from 1980 to 2004. Overall, the attendance trends varied significantly among the three countries. Germany experienced a steady increase in attendance, while Italy showed a gradual decline, and England saw a drop followed by a recovery.

In 1980, Italy led with the highest average attendance of about 33,000, closely followed by England at 32,000. Germany lagged behind, with an attendance of around 24,000. Over the next six years, Italy’s attendance slightly decreased to 30,000, and England experienced a sharp decline to 21,000, whereas Germany’s figures remained relatively stable.

From 1992 onwards, Germany's attendance began to rise steadily, surpassing Italy by 1998 and continuing to grow until it reached 32,000 in 2004. Meanwhile, England’s attendance, after its significant decline, gradually recovered, surpassing both Italy and Germany to reach the highest figure of 34,000 in 2004. Italy, on the other hand, continued its downward trend, stabilizing at 28,000 by the end of the period.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

There is a debate about whether schools should replace traditional textbooks with modern multimedia tools such as films, TV programs, video games, and interactive computer programs. While it is undeniable that these modern resources offer significant benefits and can enhance learning, I firmly believe that integrating both traditional and contemporary methods is the most effective strategy for education.

Multimedia resources offer several advantages that can greatly enhance learning. For instance, films and TV programs have the ability to vividly illustrate historical events and scientific principles in a way that textbooks alone might not achieve. By presenting information visually, these tools can make learning more dynamic and memorable. In addition to this, educational video games and interactive computer programs provide hands-on experience and immediate feedback, which can be especially beneficial for mastering complex and abstract concepts. These modern tools also cater to a variety of learning styles, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners, helping to maintain student interest and boost comprehension.

Nevertheless, traditional textbooks continue to play a vital role in education. Textbooks provide a structured and systematic approach to learning. This way, students can progress through fundamental concepts in a logical and coherent order. This methodical approach is essential for building a solid academic foundation and developing a comprehensive understanding of subjects. Furthermore, engaging with textbooks helps students develop critical thinking and analytical skills as they are encouraged to delve deeply into complex texts. This process results in intellectual growth and enhances students' ability to interpret information.

In conclusion, while multimedia tools are valuable in education, textbooks remain an indispensable educational resource. I tend to think that combining the depth and structure of textbooks with the engaging and interactive aspects of multimedia can create a more effective education.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 13 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The table provides data on the number of religious and civil marriages in Australia from 1960 to 2000, along with the average ages of brides and bridegrooms. Overall, there was a significant increase in the number of civil marriages over the 40-year period, while the number of religious marriages fluctuated. Additionally, the average age of both brides and bridegrooms rose steadily over the years.

In 1960, religious marriages were more common, with 25,000 couples marrying in this way compared to just 8,000 civil marriages. By 1970, both types of marriages had increased, with religious marriages reaching 28,000 and civil marriages rising to 12,000. The most notable growth occurred in civil marriages, which surged to 40,000 by the year 2000, surpassing religious marriages, which only slightly increased to 34,000.

The table also shows a rise in the average age of both brides and bridegrooms. In 1960, brides were 21 years old on average, and grooms were 24 years old. By 1980, these ages had increased to 25 and 27, respectively. The trend continued, with the average ages reaching 30 for brides and 32 for grooms by the year 2000.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

Participating in group activities is often considered crucial for developing important life skills. While I agree that working in a team is valuable for learning essential skills like communication and collaboration, I also believe that activities which are done individually have their own benefits.

Undoubtedly, taking part in group activities offers important advantages. Firstly, it enhances communication skills, as team members must coordinate and express their ideas clearly. Acquisition of communication skills can help the work more effectively in the future. In addition, it develops collaboration by teaching individuals to respect different opinions and work together toward a common goal. For instance, in school projects, students must divide tasks based on each person's strengths. This clearly reflects real-world teamwork. These experiences help individuals develop the communication and cooperation skills, both of which are essential to succeed in the future.

However, individual activities are just as crucial for personal development. Pursuits that are followed alone like independent study or creative projects encourage self-discipline and personal responsibility. When individuals work alone, they learn to set goals and manage their progress independently, which builds a strong work ethic and accountability. These activities also encourage self-reflection and allow people to explore their interests and strengths, which can bring about confidence. Developing these qualities is essential for personal growth, as they enable individuals to make decisions confidently in various aspects of life.

In conclusion, I understand that group activities are essential for learning life skills such as communication and teamwork. However, I also believe that individual activities play a vital role in developing personal responsibility and independence.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 14 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The line graph provides data on the number of participants in four sports—basketball, tennis, badminton, and rugby—in a European country between 1985 and 2005. Overall, the graph illustrates a significant change in the popularity of these sports over the 20-year period. Tennis saw a dramatic increase in the number of players, while rugby experienced a sharp decline. Both basketball and badminton showed rather stable trends.

In 1985, rugby was the dominant sport with 250 players, significantly more than the 150 who played tennis. However, over the next two decades, the popularity of rugby decreased steadily, falling to just 100 players by 2005. Tennis, on the other hand, grew in popularity, with the number of players rising steadily to reach 250 by the end of the period, surpassing rugby after the year 1995.

Basketball had the smallest number of players throughout the period, starting at 75 in 1985. This figure grew modestly to 85 by 2005. Badminton, which started with 70 players, experienced a gradual decline to 50 players, which meant a slow but consistent decrease in popularity.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

Some people argue that raising the minimum legal age for driving cars or motorbikes is the most effective way to address the issue of road safety. While increasing the legal driving age might have some positive impact, I believe that other measures could be more effective in improving road safety.

Raising the minimum driving age could potentially reduce the number of accidents caused by young, inexperienced drivers. Younger drivers often lack the maturity needed to drive in complex road situations, and they may be more prone to taking risks. By increasing the driving age, it is possible to ensure that individuals who obtain a license are more responsible and better able to make safe driving decisions. This could lead to a decrease in the number of accidents involving young drivers.

However, simply raising the legal age for driving may not address all the factors that contribute to road accidents. Many accidents are caused by factors such as speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. These issues are not limited to young drivers and can affect people of all ages. Therefore, focusing solely on the legal driving age may overlook other important aspects of road safety. Moreover, road safety could be significantly improved by implementing stricter enforcement of traffic laws, increasing penalties for dangerous driving behaviors, and promoting better driver education programs.

In conclusion, raising the minimum legal driving age might help make roads safer by having fewer young drivers. However, I think a better approach would be to enforce laws more strictly and improve driver education to keep everyone safer on the roads.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 15 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The table provides data on the number of male and female employees who worked in silk-producing factories in England and Wales from 1851 to 1901, along with the total number of employees and the number of factories. Overall, there was a significant decrease in the number of employees, particularly among men, despite the rise in the number of factories.

In 1851, there were 53,964 male employees and 76,786 female employees, making a total workforce of 130,750 in 272 factories. However, by 1901, the number of male employees had dropped sharply to 13,375, and the number of female employees fell to 25,567. Consequently, the total number of employees decreased to 38,942, despite the fact that the number of factories more than doubled to 761 by 1861.

It is also worth noting that having reached a peak in 1861, the number of factories began to decline, dropping to 623 by 1901.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

New technologies, such as smartphones, tablets, and gaming consoles, have dramatically altered the way children spend their free time. I believe that the negative consequences of this development outweigh the benefits.

On the positive side, technology gives children access to a wealth of information and learning opportunities. Educational apps and online resources can help children learn new things. For example, interactive games and videos can make learning more engaging. This helps children to understand complex concepts in a fun and accessible way. In addition, technology allows children to stay connected with friends and family through social media and messaging apps, which can be particularly valuable in maintaining relationships over long distances.

However, the negative impacts of technology on children's free time are significant. One major concern is the increase in sedentary behavior. Many children spend hours playing video games or watching videos, which can lead to a lack of physical activity. Furthermore, excessive screen time can negatively affect children's social skills. Spending too much time on digital devices can reduce face-to-face interactions, leading to difficulties in developing important social skills. Moreover, the content children are exposed to online can also be problematic. Without proper supervision, they may come across inappropriate material that could have a harmful impact on their development.

In conclusion, while new technologies provide valuable educational and interactional benefits, the negative effects on children's physical health, social skills, and exposure to harmful content cannot be overlooked. Therefore, I believe this is a largely negative development.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 17 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The table illustrates the average retirement ages for men and women in six different countries as of 2003, presented in years and months. Overall, it is clear that men tend to retire slightly later than women in all the countries. It is also evident that Korea has the highest retirement age for both genders, whereas France has the lowest.

Looking at the data more closely, Korea has the highest retirement age, with men retiring at 68 years and 8 months, while women retire at 67 years and 2 months. This is closely Japan followed by Japan, where men retire at 67 years and 4 months, and women at 66 years and 9 months. These figures are notably higher compared to the other countries.

In contrast, France exhibits the lowest retirement ages, with men retiring at 57 years and 4 months, and women at 56 years and 9 months. Italy also shows relatively low retirement ages, with men retiring at 58 years and 2 months, and women at 57 years and 3 months.

Australia and the United States have comparable retirement ages, with men in Australia retiring at 64 years and 1 month, and women at 63 years and 5 months. In the United States, men retire at 65 years and 6 months, and women at 64 years and 2 months.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

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نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

Some people believe that children's free time should be organized with structured activities, while others argue that children should have the freedom to choose how they spend their leisure time. In my opinion, both perspectives have their merits.

On the one hand, organized activities can offer numerous benefits. Structured activities such as sports, music lessons, or educational clubs help children develop specific skills like teamwork, discipline, and time management. By participating in these activities, children are engaged in productive tasks, reducing the likelihood of getting involved in unhealthy or risky behaviors. Moreover, participating in organized activities can boost children's self-esteem as they achieve goals and progress in their chosen pursuits.

On the other hand, allowing children to choose their own activities can develop creativity, independence, and decision-making skills. When children have the freedom to decide how they want to spend their time, they are more likely to pursue activities that genuinely interest them. This can lead to greater enjoyment and personal satisfaction. Unstructured play is also essential for development, as it encourages problem-solving, innovation, and social interaction in a less formal setting.

In conclusion, I understand why some people say that children should have organized free time activities because these can help develop important skills and keep them engaged in productive tasks. However, I think it is equally important to allow children the freedom to choose how they spend their leisure time, as this results in more creativity, independence, and personal satisfaction. I tend to think that combining both structured activities and free choice would best support a child's overall development.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 18 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The table provides information on what percentage of government budget was dedicated to education and training, alongside the participation rates of 18-24 year-olds in five countries, namely Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, and Slovenia in 2012. Overall, Slovenia had the highest expenditure on education and training, while Poland, despite the lowest expenditure, showed the highest participation rate. Hungary, Romania, and the Czech Republic fell between these extremes.

Slovenia allocated the largest portion of its budget (25%) to education and training, resulting in a participation rate of 40% among young adults. In contrast, Poland’s expenditure was the lowest at 5%, yet it achieved the highest participation rate of 44%.

Hungary and Romania displayed more moderate figures. Hungary devoted 13% of its budget to education and training, which led to a participation rate of 34%. Romania, with a slightly lower expenditure of 10%, had the lowest participation rate of 23%. The Czech Republic’s spending was at 9%, with a participation rate of 27%.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

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نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

As the area where people choose to reside has a direct effect on their well-being, some people believe that the countryside is the best place for a healthy lifestyle, while others think cities are better choices in this regard. I believe that living in cities is better for health.

The countryside is often associated with its cleaner air, lower pollution levels, and access to fresh food. These factors contribute to a healthier lifestyle, as people are less exposed to the harmful effects of industrial pollution and have the opportunity to consume food that is less processed and more nutritious. In addition, rural areas provide ample opportunities for outdoor activities, such as hiking, gardening, and farming, which promote physical activity. The slower, more relaxed pace of life in the countryside also contributes to lower stress levels, which is beneficial for mental and emotional well-being.

In this regard, it is true that cities offer several distinct advantages. One of the most significant advantages of urban areas is the access to advanced healthcare facilities. In cities, residents can benefit from specialized medical services and quicker access to diagnosis and treatment, which can be critical in maintaining health. Furthermore, cities are hubs for fitness and recreational activities, with numerous gyms, sports clubs, parks, and organized events that encourage an active lifestyle. Moreover, the diversity of food options in cities, including healthy restaurants, organic grocery stores, and farmers' markets, allows residents to make better choices to have a healthy diet.

In conclusion, while the countryside offers a natural environment with certain health benefits, I believe that city living is more beneficial to have a healthy lifestyle. The access to superior healthcare, abundant fitness options, and the opportunities for healthy diets in urban areas make cities the better choice for maintaining overall health and well-being.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 20 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The line graph shows the global trends of using four information and communication technologies (ICT) from 1998 to 2008: landline service, cellular phone service, internet service, and fixed broadband. Overall, the graph shows a dramatic increase in the use of cellular phone services and internet services, while landline service usage remained relatively stable and fixed broadband saw a gradual rise towards the end of the period.

In 1998, cellular phone service had the lowest usage, starting at around 5%, but experienced the most significant growth, reaching approximately 65% by 2008. Internet service also saw a steady rise from about 5% in 1998 to more than 20% by 2008.

Landline service, which started at around 15% in 1998, remained relatively stable over the period given, fluctuating slightly and ending at just under 20% in 2008.

It is also worth mentioning that fixed broadband was not used until 2002, after which its usage began and reached 5% in the final year.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

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نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

In recent years, an increasing number of people in many countries have shown a preference for purchasing imported food over locally produced food. This trend can be attributed to several factors, but some measures could be taken to encourage people to choose locally produced food instead.

People prefer imported food for two main reasons: perceived quality and the impact of globalization. First, imported foods are often considered more authentic and of higher quality, with products like Italian pasta or French cheese viewed as superior to local alternatives. This perception leads consumers to believe they are getting a more genuine experience with these products. Second, globalization and modern marketing have made global brands more accessible and appealing. These imported goods are often seen as status symbols or signs of a cosmopolitan lifestyle. The rise of international supermarkets and online shopping has further made these products accessible, making it easier for people to enjoy a diverse range of foods from around the world.

To encourage people to buy more local food, several strategies can be used. First, raising awareness about the benefits of local food is crucial. Governments and local producers can launch educational campaigns that highlight the environmental advantages of buying locally, such as reduced carbon emissions from transportation, and the positive impact on the local economy. Second, improving the availability and visibility of local products in supermarkets and restaurants can make them more accessible to consumers. Supermarkets could dedicate more shelf space to locally produced goods, and restaurants could feature local ingredients on their menus.

In conclusion, while the preference for imported food is driven by perceptions of quality and variety, and global marketing, it is possible to encourage people to buy local food through education and improved accessibility.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 21 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The table shows the changes in the price of a cup of coffee in six Australian cities from 2010 to 2014. Overall, what stands out from the table is that except in Brisbane, general upward trends in coffee prices across Australian cities can be observed, with Melbourne experiencing the most substantial increase.

Melbourne experienced the most significant price rise, with a 20.8% increase from $2.4 in 2010 to $2.9 in 2014. Sydney also saw a notable price rise, with the increase being 13.2%.

The coffee prices in Canberra, Adelaide, and Perth exhibited more moderate increases compared to Melbourne and Sydney. Canberra saw a modest rise of 6.25%, with the price increasing from $1.5 to $1.7. Adelaide followed suit with a 6.95% rise, increasing from $1.87 to $2. Perth experienced the largest rise among the three, with a 7.14% rise from $2.1 to $2.25.

By contrast, standing at $2.25, Brisbane's coffee price remained unchanged between 2010 and 2014.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

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نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have rather opposing ideas about whether leadership is an innate talent or a skill that can be developed. While some believe that leadership qualities are inherent, I think that anyone can gain this skill through learning and experience.

On the one hand, some people believe that leadership is an inherent trait. They argue that qualities like charisma, decisiveness, and confidence are natural and cannot be easily learned. For example, historical figures like Nelson Mandela are often cited as natural leaders who showed their ability to inspire from a young age. Proponents of this view think that such traits are inherent and not something that can be taught. How can people learn to be charismatic if they have not been so through childhood and teenage?

On the other hand, many others believe that leadership skills can be developed through education and experience. They argue that leadership can be learned through training and practice. Many successful leaders have enhanced their skills through programs focusing on communication and team management. Real-world experiences, such as managing projects, also help individuals develop their leadership abilities. This suggests that leadership is not solely about innate traits but can be developed over time.

In conclusion, although natural traits may provide a foundation for some individuals to become leaders, I tend to think that leadership is generally a skill that can be cultivated and developed over time. People who may not naturally possess all the traits of great leaders can still become effective through learning and experience.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 24 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The charts provide data on figures related to the types of websites used for online shopping in Australia and New Zealand in 2012, while the table illustrates the main reasons why people in these countries choose to shop online.

Overall, while both countries show a preference for using a combination of local and international websites, Australians are slightly more inclined towards international websites. The primary motivation for online shopping in both countries is lower prices compared to physical stores.

The pie charts reveal that a significant majority of online shoppers in both countries preferred to shop from both local and international websites. Specifically, 72% of Australians used both types of websites, compared to 65% of New Zealanders. Also, a larger percentage of New Zealand consumers (25%) opted to shop exclusively on local websites compared to Australians (20%). International websites were the least preferred in both countries, with 8% in Australia and 10% in New Zealand.

According to the table, in both Australia and New Zealand, the most common reason mentioned was the lower price compared to physical stores, with 53% of Australians and 57% of New Zealanders choosing this factor. Convenience was the second most significant reason, chosen by 24% of Australians and 22% of New Zealanders. Quality of products influenced 18% of Australian shoppers and 16% of those in New Zealand, while only 5% in both countries mentioned other reasons.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

In many countries, students now choose to take a gap year to travel or work instead of going directly to university. This decision offers several benefits, and in my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Let’s start with the positives of taking a gap year. One main benefit could be personal growth. By working or travelling, students can gain real-world experience and learn essential life skills, which can help them develop confidence. For example, travelling allows them to adapt to new environments, and resolve their problems. Another significant advantage is gaining clear future goals. Many students are unsure about their career paths after school. A gap year provides the opportunity to explore different fields and interests, which can help them make more informed decisions when they start university.

Turning to the negatives of taking a gap year, one could be the delay in pursuing education. After a year away from formal education, some students may find it challenging to return to a structured academic environment. This break can make it harder to re-establish discipline and focus, which can adversely affect their academic studies. Another downside could be financial problems. Students who choose to work in low-paying jobs or spend their savings on travel might find it difficult to afford university tuition later on, which could lead to financial stress or even lead them not to continue their education at university.

In conclusion, while taking a gap year presents challenges such as delaying education and financial pressure, the benefits of personal growth are significant. Also, students can return to their studies with a clearer sense of purpose. Therefore, I believe the advantages of taking a gap year outweigh the disadvantages.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 24 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The pie charts illustrate the distribution of energy sources in Australia for the year 2008 and provide predictions for 2030. Overall, it can be seen that there will not be a significant shift towards renewable energy sources and that the country will continue relying on fossil fuels.

In 2008, coal was the dominant energy source, accounting for 39% of the total energy production. This was followed by oil at 32.5% and gas at 22.9%. Renewable energy sources such as wind, hydro, and solar played minimal roles, contributing 0.3%, 0.2%, and 0.8% respectively, while the 'Others' category made up 4.3%.

By 2030, the energy landscape in Australia is expected to change, though not significantly, with oil becoming the largest energy source at 35.5%, slightly increasing from 32.5% in 2008. Gas will have a larger proportion, increasing significantly by 10 percentage points. The share of coal is predicted to decrease significantly to 22.3%, making it the third-largest source. There will be notable growth in renewable energy sources, with wind increasing to 0.9%, and hydro to 0.7%. It is also worth mentioning that geothermal energy will be added at the expense of solar energy, with 4.3% of the total energy being of this type. The 'Others' category is projected to remain constant at 4.3%.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

Taking risks is an inherent part of life, and some individuals embrace this in both their professional and personal lives. In my opinion, the advantages of taking risks generally outweigh the disadvantages.

One of the primary benefits of taking risks could be personal and professional growth. In a professional context, for example, changing careers or starting a new business can lead to new opportunities and better income, which could bring about job satisfaction. These are outcomes that might never be achieved by staying within one’s comfort zone. Similarly, in personal life, taking risks such as moving to a new city can lead to life-changing experiences and a deeper understanding of oneself. These risks often push individuals to develop new skills and adapt to different environments.

However, it is essential to acknowledge the disadvantages of taking risks. Not all risks pay off, and the consequences of failure can be severe. In a professional setting, taking a risk could lead to financial loss and even unemployment. In personal life, risks such as entering a risky relationship or making impulsive decisions can lead to emotional distress or long-term regret. The key is to take calculated risks. Clearly, the risks that are well-researched and considered can help people grow both in personal life and at work.

In conclusion, while taking risks carries potential downsides, the advantages generally outweigh the disadvantages, especially when risks are taken thoughtfully. The growth and new opportunities that come from taking risks often lead to more fulfilling and successful lives, both personally and professionally.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 25 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The table illustrates what percentage of total water is used in three sectors—domestic use, industry, and agriculture—in four different countries: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, and Canada. Overall, it is clear that water use varies significantly in these sectors across the countries, with Egypt and Saudi Arabia consuming most water in agriculture, and Canada allocating more water to industry.

In Egypt, the majority of water is used for agriculture, accounting for a substantial 82% of total water usage, while only 8% is used in industry and a mere 10% at home. Similarly, Saudi Arabia also emphasizes water use in farming, although to a slightly lesser extent at 64%. It is worth noting that 20% of water goes to industry and 16% to domestic purposes.

In contrast, New Zealand shows a balanced distribution between agriculture and industry, each consuming 45% of the total water use, leaving just 10% for domestic use. Canada, however, has a different pattern, with the largest share of water (60%) dedicated to industrial use. Agriculture and domestic sectors use 20% of total water each.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have differing opinions on whether learning literature, such as novels and poems, in high school is a productive use of time. While some argue that studying literature is unnecessary and that students should focus on more practical subjects, I believe that literature is an essential component of an effective education system.

On the one hand, some people think that high school students should not spend time on literature. They argue that in today's fast-paced world, students need to concentrate on subjects that directly prepare them for the job market, such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. They claim literature, which often deals with abstract themes and fictional stories, does not equip students with the practical skills needed for their future careers. For example, they might say that reading poetry does not contribute to success in a highly competitive job market.

On the other hand, many believe that literature plays a crucial role in developing important life skills. They argue that literature teaches students to think critically, as they interpret complex texts and understand different perspectives. In addition, literature develops empathy by allowing students to experience the emotions and challenges of characters from various backgrounds. This emotional intelligence is essential in both personal and professional settings. For instance, understanding the motivations of a character in a novel can help students better understand and relate to people in real life.

In conclusion, while practical skills are important for students, I believe that literature should not be overlooked in high school education. Literature not only enhances critical thinking and empathy but also helps students develop a deeper understanding of the human experience. Therefore, studying literature is far from a waste of time; it is a valuable part of preparing students for both life and work.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 26 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The graphs illustrate the number of tourists from three countries, namely the UK, the US, and Japan, who visited Australia in the years 2005 and 2015, and the trends in the types of holidays chosen by these visitors from 2005 to 2015. Overall, while Australia experienced a surge in tourists from the UK and the US between 2005 and 2015, the opposite trend was observed among Japanese visitors. In terms of holiday types, while staying at resorts was initially the main choice, backpacking became an increasingly popular alternative over the period.

According to the bar graph, in 2005, the number of tourists from the UK was approximately 800,000. This figure had almost doubled by 2015, reaching nearly 1.5 million. Similarly, the number of American visitors increased from around 500,000 in 2005 to over 1.5 million in 2015. In contrast, the trend for Japanese tourists differed. In 2005, around 1.5 million Japanese tourists visited Australia. However, by 2015, this number had dropped sharply to just over 1 million.

Based on the line graph, in 2005, staying at a resort was the more popular choice, with just over 1.5 million opting for this type of holiday. It then saw a sharp increase, peaking at around 2.5 million in 2010. However, by 2015, it had decreased dramatically to just under 1.5 million. On the other hand, backpacking, which was less popular in 2005 with only about 500,000 tourists choosing this option, gained gradual popularity over the decade. By 2015, the number of tourists choosing to backpack had risen significantly to around 1.5 million.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

These days, many wild animals are on the brink of extinction, and others are being added to the endangered list, which has become a serious issue. I believe that this issue could be attributed to two main causes, and there could be two solutions for it.

Let's start with the causes of animal extinction. One major cause could be habitat destruction. As human populations grow, more land is needed for agriculture and urban development. This leads to the destruction of forests, which are essential for the survival of many species. When their habitats are destroyed, animals struggle to find food and shelter, which can lead to a decline in their populations. Another significant cause is poaching. Many animals are hunted for their valuable organs, such as ivory or fur, which are sold on the black market. This illegal hunting has significantly reduced the numbers of species like elephants and rhinos, pushing them closer to extinction.

Turning to the solutions for this issue, the first one could be passing and enacting stronger wildlife protection laws. Governments should enforce stricter regulations to safeguard endangered species and their habitats. By creating more protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves, we can provide safe environments where animals can live and breed without the threat of humans. Another solution could be raising public awareness. Educating people about the importance of saving species and the dangers of poaching can help reduce demand for illegal animal organs. When people understand the impact of their actions on wildlife, they are more likely to support conservation efforts and avoid purchasing items made from endangered species.

In conclusion, habitat destruction and illegal hunting are the main causes of animal extinction, and these problems can be addressed through more stringent laws and increased public awareness.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 27 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The pie chart illustrates the proportion of water consumers across various sectors in Australia in 2004, while the bar chart shows the breakdown of water use in residential areas. Overall, the amount of water that is used at home is the largest, with gardens and bathrooms being the areas where most water is consumed.

From the pie chart, it is clear that residential consumption dominated water use, accounting for 70% of the total. This residential use is divided into houses (50%) and apartments (20%). Industrial sectors were responsible for 11% of water consumption, followed by businesses at 10%. Government entities and other sectors had smaller shares, at 6% and 3% respectively.

According to the bar chart, which focuses solely on residential water use, gardens constituted the highest proportion at 28%. The bathroom followed closely at 27%, making these two areas the most significant contributors to water usage. Washing clothes accounted for 20% of residential water use, while the toilet represented 15%. Kitchens had the lowest consumption (10%).

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have differing opinions on whether customs and traditional behaviors are still relevant and worth preserving in modern life. While some argue that these practices have become obsolete and no longer serve a purpose, I believe that many customs continue to play an important role in this modern world.

On the one hand, some people think that customs and traditions are no longer useful in today’s fast-moving, globalized world. They believe these practices can be limiting, as they often reflect old-fashioned ideas that don’t fit with modern life. For example, traditional gender roles might restrict personal freedom and growth. They also point out that with new technology and social changes, we need more flexible and progressive approaches, making old traditions less relevant. For instance, modern technology encourages a fast-paced lifestyle that often values efficiency and convenience over longstanding rituals.

On the other hand, I feel that customs and traditional behaviors still offer important benefits today. These practices help keep cultural heritage alive, which can give people a sense of connection and stability in a world that’s always changing. Traditions like religious ceremonies or local festivals can strengthen community bonds, which in turn promotes social unity. In addition, I tend to think that values such as respect for elders remain key to maintaining a peaceful society. These virtues are timeless and continue to be an important element in any society.

In conclusion, while it is true that some customs may no longer align with the realities of modern life, I believe that many traditional practices still hold value. Customs play a vital role in preserving cultural identity and promoting essential values such as respect and unity. Therefore, rather than discarding them entirely, we should carefully evaluate which traditions to retain and adapt for the modern world.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 28 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The line graph illustrates the figures related to the production of three forest industry products, namely pulp, timber, and paper, in a European country from 1980 to 2000. Overall, all three products experienced increases over the period, but their growth rates and patterns varied.

In 1980, pulp and timber production started at around 6 million tonnes, while paper production was slightly lower at 4 million tonnes. From 1980 to 1985, timber production rose sharply, peaking at 10 million tonnes, before experiencing some fluctuations. Although it fluctuated, timber generally maintained an upward trend, ending at approximately 7 million tonnes in 2000.

Pulp production saw a gradual increase throughout the two decades, despite the sudden fall at the beginning. From 6 million tonnes in 1980, it steadily rose to nearly 10 million tonnes by 2000.

Paper production showed the most dramatic increase, however. Starting at 4 million tonnes in 1980, it rose steadily, with a noticeable growth in the 1990s. By 2000, paper production had skyrocketed to 12 million tonnes, surpassing the other two products and having the highest production level among the three.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have differing opinions about whether older students should study a broad range of subjects or focus on a few in greater detail. While some argue for a diverse curriculum, I believe that focusing on fewer subjects is a better option.

On the one hand, some people think that studying a wide range of subjects equips students with a broad knowledge and diverse skills that are valuable in an ever-changing world. This approach allows students to explore various fields, which can help them discover their interests and talents. For example, learning subjects like history, art, and music alongside core subjects such as mathematics and science can develop creativity and critical thinking, which makes students more adaptable and versatile.

On the other hand, I feel that focusing on fewer subjects in more detail offers more significant benefits, especially for older students who prepare for higher education or the workforce. Concentrating on core subjects allows students to delve deeper into complex concepts, which can lead to better comprehension and the development of specialized skills. For instance, students focusing intensively on mathematics and science may have more opportunities to excel in these areas, making them better prepared for careers in engineering or medicine. In addition, studying fewer subjects can reduce academic pressure and burnout. This enables students to engage more fully with their chosen areas of interest.

In conclusion, while a broad curriculum can provide an effective education by exposing students to various disciplines, I believe that focusing on fewer subjects allows students to gain a deeper understanding and develop expertise in key areas.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: August 29 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The diagram illustrates the process of recycling aluminum cans, which takes approximately six weeks to complete. Overall, there are 11 steps in the process, from the collection of aluminum waste to the production of new cans.

The process begins with the collection of used aluminum cans, which are transported to a processing plant. Once at the plant, the cans are cleaned with water to remove any impurities. Afterward, the cans are crushed into smaller pieces for further processing. In the succeeding stage, the aluminum pieces undergo a processing phase, which involves the removal of any contaminants through chemical treatment. Once cleaned, the aluminum is heated and then poured into molds to form new shapes. These newly formed aluminum pieces are weighed. In the final stages, the aluminum is rolled into thin sheets, which are subsequently used to manufacture new cans. This completes the recycling process and enables the production of aluminum cans from recycled materials.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have differing opinions about whether spending money on space exploration is better than focusing on immediate public problems. Some people say space exploration is a luxury that takes resources away from urgent issues, but I believe it has important long-term benefits.

On the one hand, some people believe that money spent on space missions would be better used to tackle urgent public problems like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. They argue that focusing on these areas would immediately improve quality of life and address key issues. For example, more funding for healthcare could boost public health, and investing in education could create more opportunities and reduce inequality. In addition, they claim that, despite significant spending, many space missions have yet to produce tangible benefits that directly impact everyday life.

On the other hand, I believe space exploration provides valuable benefits that can indirectly help solve public problems and improve knowledge. Investment in space technology often leads to innovations with practical uses on Earth. For example, new technologies developed for space missions can lead to breakthroughs that enhance everyday life, such as more efficient energy use or medical advancements. In addition, space exploration encourages international cooperation, bringing together countries from around the world to work on shared goals. This collaboration develops diplomatic relations and mutual understanding among nations, as they work side by side on complex scientific challenges.

In conclusion, while addressing immediate public problems is undeniably important, I believe that investing in space exploration provides long-term benefits that can drive technological innovation and bring nations closer to each other.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 1 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The bar chart illustrates the average price per kilometre of clothing imported into the European Union from Argentina, Brazil, Japan, China, India, and Bangladesh in the years 1993 and 2003. Overall, it is evident that clothing prices imported from Argentina and Japan decreased, while those from China, India and Bangladesh saw upward trends.

In 1993, Argentina and Brazil had the highest price per kilometre at around £27 and £23 respectively. By 2003, the price of clothing from the former had dropped to about £26 whereas that from the latter had not seen any change.

Unlike Japan which followed a similar downward trend as Argentina, with the price falling from £15 in 1993 to about £13 in 2003, China, India, and Bangladesh all experienced increases in their average prices per kilometre of clothing. China's average price rose from £10 in 1993 to approximately £17 in 2003. The prices in India and Bangladesh almost doubled, with the former raising its price from £6 in 1993 to around £12 in 2003, and the latter seeing its average price rise from £3 in 1993 to £6 in 2003.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have rather differing opinions about whether young people should spend more time with their families and less on entertainment outside the home. Some argue that family time is crucial for emotional development and building strong relationships, but I believe that spending time outside the home with friends and in social activities is more beneficial for their overall growth.

On the one hand, some people believe that young people should prioritize spending time with family. They argue that family often provides emotional support and guidance, which are essential during the formative years. For instance, family interactions can help develop trust and values that are important for developing responsibility. In addition, they suggest that spending time with family would strengthen bonds and helps young people feel secure.

On the other hand, I believe that young people should focus more on socializing outside the home. Engaging in activities with peers allows them to develop important social skills. For example, participating in team sports, or cultural events helps young people learn how to interact with others, and solve problems. This would make them independent and confident. Furthermore, by exploring different environments and challenges outside the family setting, they gain a broader perspective on life, which prepares them better for adulthood. This is especially true for those who are the only child at home, having no body at the same age to interact with.

In conclusion, while family time is valuable, I believe young people should prioritize spending time outside the home. The experiences and social skills they gain through interactions with peers are crucial for their development and future success.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 9 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The two graphs provide information on train passengers and the punctuality of train services in the UK from 2000 to 2009. The first graph depicts the number of train passengers, while the second compares the percentage of trains running on time with a target. Overall, both the number of train passengers and punctuality fluctuated.

In the first graph, the number of passengers fluctuated over the ten-year period. Starting at around 37 billion passengers in 2000, the figure rose gradually, peaking at roughly 48 billion in 2005. However, after 2005, the number of passengers began to decline steadily, reaching around 45 billion in 2008. Despite this decline, the number then increased, reaching roughly 45 billion in 2009.

The second graph shows the percentage of trains running on time compared to the target, which remained constant at approximately 95%. Between 2000 and 2004, the percentage of punctual trains increased, surpassing the target between 2002 and 2004, with a peak of around 96%. However, from 2005, there was a noticeable drop, hitting a low of 92% in 2006. Afterward, the figure improved and passed the target in the last two years, finishing at 97% in 2009.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have rather differing opinions about whether individuals today are more dependent on each other or have become more independent. Some argue that modern life has made people dependent on each other, but I believe that, in many aspects, people have become more independent.

On the one hand, some people believe that individuals depend on each other more. They argue that the complexities of modern life, such as the need for specialized skills and global trade, require individuals to rely on one another for various needs. For instance, people depend on professionals like doctors, teachers, and IT specialists for services that they cannot provide for themselves. In addition, the rise of digital platforms has created social networks where people constantly seek support, which has increased interdependence.

On the other hand, I believe that individuals have become more independent in many areas of life. The widespread availability of technology and information has empowered people to solve problems on their own. For example, people can now access online resources to learn new skills or even complete home repairs by watching videos on YouTube, without relying on service providers. Moreover, the rise of remote work and freelancing has given individuals more control over their professional lives. This allows them to work independently and make decisions freely.

In conclusion, while there is an argument that people are more interconnected and dependent on each other in today’s world, I believe that individuals have become more independent in many respects. The ability to access resources and technology easily has allowed people to be more self-reliant in both personal and professional lives.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 10 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The line graph illustrates the percentage of African citizens subscribing to mobile and fixed-line phones between 1994 and 2004. The data is measured per 100 inhabitants. Overall, there was a significant rise in mobile phone subscriptions, whereas fixed-line subscriptions experienced a more gradual increase during the same period. Mobile phone usage, which started much lower than fixed-line subscriptions, surpassed the latter around 2001 and continued to grow rapidly.

In 1994, fixed-line subscriptions stood at 1.7 per 100 inhabitants, this figure being far more than mobile phone subscriptions. Over the next few years, fixed-line subscriptions increased slowly, reaching around 2.5 per 100 people by 1999. From this point onwards, the growth slowed, with the number of fixed-line users rising minimally to finish at 3.1 in 2004.

In comparison, mobile phone subscriptions saw a more dramatic rise. Having started at 0.06 in 1994, the figures grew steadily, overtaking fixed-line subscriptions in 2001. By 2004, mobile phone subscriptions had surged to 8.8 per 100 inhabitants, showing a substantial increase compared to the modest growth of fixed-line subscriptions.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have differing views on what leads to success in life. Some argue that hard work and determination are the main factors, while others believe that external aspects like money and appearance play a more important role. In my opinion, while money and appearance can have their influence, success ultimately depends more on hard work and perseverance.

On the one hand, many people believe that hard work and determination are the foundation of success. They argue that individuals who are willing to put in consistent effort and overcome obstacles are more likely to achieve their goals. For example, numerous self-made sport stars, like Cristiano Ronaldo, faced significant challenges early in life but succeeded through dedication and persistence. This view suggests that success is earned through effort, rather than given based on external factors like wealth or appearance.

On the other hand, some people believe that factors like money and appearance are more crucial for achieving success. They argue that wealth provides individuals with better access to opportunities, such as quality education and resources that can increase the chance of success. Furthermore, physical appearance is often seen as an advantage, especially in industries like entertainment and fashion, where attractive individuals may receive more favorable treatment.

In conclusion, while money and appearance can undoubtedly provide certain advantages, I believe that hard work and determination are the most important factors in achieving success. People who rely on these qualities not only attain success but also develop the resilience and skills necessary to maintain it in the long term.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 11 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The line graph compares the number of immigrants from Japan to the United States, Canada, and Australia between 1992 and 2000. Overall, Australia experienced a downward trend in the number of Japanese immigrants, while both Canada and the US saw increasing figures.

Australia initially received about 2500 Japanese immigrants in the early nineties, but this figure dropped significantly to around 500 by the mid-nineties, remaining stable thereafter.

In contrast, Canada had the lowest number of Japanese immigrants at the start, with around 500, but saw a sharp rise to a peak of 2200 in the mid-nineties. After a sharp decline to just over 1000, Japanese immigration to Canada stabilized, rising moderately to end the period at approximately 1600.

The United States saw a more gradual increase, starting with around 1500 Japanese immigrants in the early nineties. This number steadily grew throughout the period, reaching over 2000 by the end of the decade, making it the country with the highest number of Japanese immigrants in 2000.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have differing opinions on whether employers should focus on the dress code of their employees or solely on the quality of their work. Some argue that how employees dress is irrelevant if they work well. However, I believe that appearance is important in many workplaces.

On the one hand, some people believe that an employee's attire should not be a concern for employers, as it does not directly affect their work performance. They argue that allowing employees to dress comfortably can lead to increased productivity and creativity. For example, in tech companies like Google, where casual dress codes are the norm, employees are often more relaxed and able to focus on their tasks without worrying about their appearance. In addition, they claim that attire pales in comparison to the paramount importance of evaluating employees based on the quality of their work, which ultimately defines their professional contribution.

On the other hand, I believe that dressing appropriately for the workplace still holds importance, particularly in industries which are client-based. The way employees present themselves can impact a company's image and professionalism. For instance, in professions such as law or finance, a formal dress code is often expected as it conveys competence and trustworthiness to clients. Moreover, adhering to a dress code can create a sense of discipline and cohesion within a team, which can contribute to a more organized and respectful work environment.

In conclusion, while some argue that an employee's attire should not matter if the quality of their work is high, I believe that professional appearance is still important in many workplaces.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 12 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The line graph illustrates the unemployment rates in three regions, namely the United Kingdom, the rest of Europe, and Japan, between 1993 and 2007. Overall, the unemployment rate in the UK saw a sharp decline over the period, while Japan experienced a gradual increase. In contrast, the rest of Europe showed fluctuations but remained relatively high.

In 1993, the UK had the highest unemployment rate at around 11%. By 1999, the UK's unemployment rate had dropped significantly, falling to 6%, and continued this downward trend to reach about 5% by 2005. Then a rise of one percentage point is observed between 2005 and 2007.

Conversely, Japan experienced an upward trend in unemployment, rising from 2% in 1993 to around 5% in 2003 before dropping to almost 4 percent by 2007.

The rest of Europe displayed more instability. It started at 9% and then rose, peaking at around 10% in 1997. The figures then decreased to 8%. Having remained stable for four years, the rate of unemployment then dropped, finishing at 7% in 2007.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have differing opinions on whether the increasing use of robots to complete tasks at home and work is a positive or negative development. Some argue that robots and automation improve efficiency and convenience. However, I believe that the growing reliance on robots has significant drawbacks.

On the one hand, some people believe that the use of robots in daily life can greatly enhance productivity. Robots can perform repetitive tasks faster and with greater accuracy than humans, freeing up time for people to focus on more creative or meaningful activities. For instance, in manufacturing industries, robots have revolutionized assembly lines, leading to faster production rates and fewer errors. In addition, robots used in the home, such as vacuum cleaners or smart assistants, can take care of mundane chores, allowing people to enjoy more leisure time.

On the other hand, I believe that the increasing use of robots also has negative consequences, particularly when it comes to employment and human interaction. The automation of tasks in the workplace could result in significant job losses, particularly for those in industries that rely on manual labor. For example, many factory workers have been displaced by machines, leading to higher unemployment rates and financial problems for individuals and families. Furthermore, as robots take on more roles in the home, people may become more isolated, relying on technology rather than human connection for support and interaction to do things together.

In conclusion, while some argue that the use of robots can lead to greater efficiency and convenience, I believe that the negative impacts on employment and human relationships are serious concerns that must be addressed.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 13 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The line graph illustrates the unemployment rates in three regions, namely the United Kingdom, the rest of Europe, and Japan, between 1993 and 2007. Overall, the unemployment rate in the UK saw a sharp decline over the period, while Japan experienced a gradual increase. In contrast, the rest of Europe showed fluctuations but remained relatively high.

In 1993, the UK had the highest unemployment rate at around 11%. By 1999, the UK's unemployment rate had dropped significantly, falling to 6%, and continued this downward trend to reach about 5% by 2005. Then a rise of one percentage point is observed between 2005 and 2007.

Conversely, Japan experienced an upward trend in unemployment, rising from 2% in 1993 to around 5% in 2003 before dropping to almost 4 percent by 2007.

The rest of Europe displayed more instability. It started at 9% and then rose, peaking at around 10% in 1997. The figures then decreased to 8%. Having remained stable for four years, the rate of unemployment then dropped, finishing at 7% in 2007.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The reduction in the number of students opting to study science in many countries has become a growing concern. Several factors contribute to this trend, and its impact on society can be profound.

One major cause is the difficulty of science subjects. Many students find science courses more challenging compared to other subjects, leading them to avoid pursuing them. In addition, the attraction of more profitable or fashionable fields, such as business, technology, or the arts, draws students away from science. Besides this, societal attitudes play a role; science is often seen as less financially rewarding in the short term compared to professions like finance, law, or technology. Finally, in some countries, there is also a lack of adequate resources and facilities to support the effective teaching of science, making it less appealing.

The effects of this trend on society could be significant. A shortage of skilled professionals in fields such as medicine, engineering, environmental science, and technology could hamper progress in critical areas like healthcare, infrastructure, and innovation. Scientific research, which creates advancements in various sectors including energy, agriculture, and climate change, may face problems due to a lack of talent. In the long term, the scarcity of scientific expertise could lead to reduced economic growth and slower technological development.

In conclusion, the decline in students studying science is caused by the difficulty of the field, competition from other fields, societal attitudes, and lack of required educational resources. The effects on society could be severe, potentially preventing innovation and progress in society.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 14 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The line graph shows the contribution of industries to the Australian economy between 2000 and 2016. Overall, it is clear that the services sector was the most significant sector in the economy during this period, while the contribution of both agriculture and manufacturing declined over the period given.

Looking at the details, we can see that the contribution of services grew steadily, starting at around 40 percent in 2000 and reaching nearly 60 percent by 2016. This makes services the dominant contributor to the economy. In contrast, agriculture and manufacturing sectors both saw declines in their contribution to the economy. The contribution of agriculture started at just over 10 percent and fell slightly below this level by 2016. The contribution of manufacturing dropped even more from around 20 percent to approximately 10 percent over the same period.

The pie chart shows the total employment rate by sector in Australia in 2009. Generally, services accounted for the most significant sector in the economy.

Services employed 57.5 percent of the workforce, and it was followed by construction at 13.1 percent, just ahead of manufacturing at 12.9 percent. Mining and agriculture were the least significant in terms of employment, with 10.6 percent and 5.9 percent, respectively.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have differing opinions on whether group activities teach more important life skills than activities done individually. Some argue that participating in a team helps individuals develop essential interpersonal skills. However, I believe that solo activities can develop equally valuable characteristics, such as self-discipline and independence.

On the one hand, some people believe that group activities are more beneficial for personal development because they promote collaboration and communication. Working in a team allows individuals to learn how to cooperate with others and resolve conflicts. For example, sports teams require players to work together and trust one another, which can build important social skills. In addition, group activities often involve leadership roles, teaching participants how to manage responsibilities and guide others, which can be useful in future professional settings.

On the other hand, I believe that activities done alone are equally important in teaching essential life skills. Independent activities encourage self-reliance and time management, as individuals must motivate themselves and manage their tasks without relying on others. For instance, students who study alone must organize their schedules and stay disciplined to complete assignments on time. Moreover, solo activities encourage critical thinking and problem-solving, as individuals are responsible for overcoming challenges without the input or assistance of others, which can be highly beneficial in both personal and professional life.

In conclusion, while some argue that group activities are more effective in teaching life skills, I believe that activities done alone can develop crucial abilities such as independence and self-discipline, which are equally valuable.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 15 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The pie chart shows the workforce in Australia by place of birth in 2003. Overall, it is evident that the majority of the workforce was born in Australia.

Looking at the details, the pie chart indicates that just above three quarters of the workforce in 2003 were born in Australia. People born in non-English-speaking countries (NESC) made up 14 percent, while those from English-speaking countries (ESC) accounted for the smallest share, at 10 percent.

The line graph details unemployment levels within these groups from 1993 to 2003. Generally, the unemployment rates for the different groups saw declines over the period given.

Individuals born in NESC experienced the highest unemployment rates throughout the period, starting at around 7 percent in 1993 and gradually decreasing to approximately 5 percent in 2003. People born in Australia had lower unemployment, with the rate starting at 4 percent in 1993 and dropping steadily to 2 percent by 2003. Individuals born in ESC had the lowest unemployment levels throughout the period, starting at just under 4 percent in 1993 and decreasing to about 1 percent by the end of 2003.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have differing opinions on whether extreme sports should be banned by the government or if individuals should have the freedom to choose any sport or activity they wish to pursue. Some argue that banning such sports is necessary for public safety. However, I believe that people should have the right to participate in any sport.

On the one hand, some people believe that dangerous sports should be forbidden to protect individuals from serious harm or injury. High-risk activities, such as skydiving or rock climbing, can lead to severe accidents, and in some cases, even death. Extreme sports often involve life-threatening situations, where a single mistake could have devastating consequences. Supporters of such a ban argue that the government has a responsibility to protect the health and safety of its citizens, and banning dangerous sports would prevent unnecessary accidents and reduce the pressure on healthcare systems.

On the other hand, I believe that individuals should have the freedom to participate in any sport. People should be able to make informed decisions about their own lives and take personal responsibility for their actions. Many participants in dangerous sports are fully aware of the risks and find them thrilling or rewarding. For instance, activities like rock climbing or motocross not only provide excitement but also bring about physical fitness and mental strength. Furthermore, governments can focus on increasing safety standards and providing training, rather than banning the activities. This way, they allow citizens to enjoy their passion in a much safer way.

In conclusion, while some argue that banning dangerous sports is necessary to protect public safety, I believe that individuals should have the freedom to pursue any sport they choose. People should be able to make their own decisions and take responsibility for the risks that might be involved.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 16 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The pie charts compare the sales of new cars in Australia in April 1994, 2004, and 2013, categorized into sedans, SUVs, and others. Overall, the data indicates a decline in the sales of sedans over the years, while steady increases in the sales of SUVs and other types of vehicles can be observed in Australia.

In 1994, sedans dominated the market, accounting for 74% of total sales, which were 42,900 units. SUVs represented a small portion of the sales at only 7%, while the remaining 19% were other cars.

By 2004, the total number of cars sold had increased to 71,000. Sedans still held the largest share but dropped to 62%. SUV sales more than doubled to 17%, and the percentage of other cars also increased slightly to 21%.

In 2013, the trend of declining sedan sales continued, as their share fell to 51%, even though total sales had risen to 85,000. The market for SUVs remained stable at 17%, while the sales of other cars grew significantly, making up 32% of total sales.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have differing opinions on whether the solution to the growing consumption of junk food lies in educating the public or if alternative approaches are needed. Some argue that educating people about the dangers of junk food is the solution. However, I believe that education alone is not enough to tackle this problem.

On the one hand, some people believe that education is an effective way to address the issue of junk food consumption. They argue that if people are made aware of the negative impacts of junk food on health, such as obesity and heart diseases, they will be more likely to make healthier food choices. Public health campaigns and school programs can be used to inform people about the long-term consequences of consuming unhealthy foods. Supporters of this view claim that by teaching people, especially children, about proper nutrition, we can instill healthy eating habits and reduce the demand for junk food.

On the other hand, I believe that education, while important, is not enough to resolve the problem. Many people are already aware of the risks of junk food but continue to consume it due to its affordability and widespread availability. Junk food is often cheaper and more accessible than healthier options, making it difficult for people, especially those with lower incomes, to make healthier choices. Furthermore, junk food companies invest heavily in marketing and advertising, making their products appealing. Therefore, relying solely on education to change people's behavior overlooks the role of these larger societal factors.

In conclusion, while educating people about the dangers of junk food is a crucial step, it is not a thorough solution to the problem. Governments and policymakers need to take additional measures to address this issue.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 17 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The pie charts compare the proportions of energy produced from six different sources in a country in 1985 and 2003. Overall, oil stayed the largest energy source, but there was more use of natural gas, coal, and renewable energy over time.

In both years, oil was the main source of energy, though its share decreased from 52% in 1985 to 39% in 2003. Natural gas was another significant source, and its proportion increased considerably from 13% in 1985 to 23% in 2003. Coal also saw a dramatic rise, moving from 8% in 1985 to 22% in 2003.

Nuclear power, which was the second largest source of energy in 1985, with its proportion being more than a fifth of the total energy, decreased to 8% in 2003. Hydro's contribution remained stable at 4% across the two years. However, there was a slight increase in the share of other renewable energy sources, which grew from just 1% in 1985 to 4% in 2003.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

New technologies are undoubtedly reshaping the way children spend their leisure time. In my opinion, while there are notable drawbacks to this change, the advantages are more significant.

Let’s start with the positives of children engaging with new technologies. One main advantage is the development of digital skills. Today’s world is increasingly digital, and children who spend time using technology are building essential skills that will benefit them in the future. Skills like coding and navigating software are likely to give them a competitive edge in the job market. Another benefit is access to vast amounts of information. With the internet at their fingertips, children can explore topics of interest and enhance their knowledge. This can broaden their perspectives.

Turning to the negatives of technology influencing children's free time, the first issue is physical inactivity. Spending excessive hours on devices often leads to a sedentary lifestyle, which can contribute to health problems like obesity. In addition to this, the potential for addiction is another concern. Many digital platforms, especially video games and social media, are designed to be highly engaging, and children may wastefully spend their time on these activities, leading to a lack of focus on more productive or creative pastimes. For instance, children who become glued to screens may lose interest in outdoor activities or face-to-face interactions with peers.

In conclusion, while the challenges of technology, such as promoting inactivity and addiction, should not be overlooked, the advantages of developing valuable digital skills and having access to endless educational resources are significant. I believe that the advantages of new technologies outweigh the disadvantages because the skills gained will be essential for children’s future success.

conclusion, while educating people about the dangers of junk food is a crucial step, it is not a thorough solution to the problem. Governments and policymakers need to take additional measures to address this issue.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 18 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The bar chart illustrates the total distance travelled by passengers in kilometers using five different types of transport in the UK between 1990 and 2000. Overall, bus and rail were the most popular modes of transport in both years. In contrast, the distances travelled by bicycle, motorbike, and air remained minimal throughout the period.

In 1990, the bus was the most widely used form of transport, with passengers travelling approximately 40 kilometers. Rail travel was slightly less popular, with around 35 kilometers covered. By 2000, both had increased by almost 2 kilometers.

Air travel saw an increase, rising from just about 1 kilometer in 1990 to nearly 5 kilometers in 2000. In contrast, motorbike and bicycle travel both decreased. The former saw a fall from around 3 kilometers to around 1 kilometer and the latter declined from about 5 to 3 kilometers.

In short, bicycles, motorbikes, and air travel contributed negligibly to the overall distance covered by passengers, whereas bus and rail were by far the most widely used means of transport for the British people.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have rather differing opinions on whether pursuing higher education is the best route to career success or if starting work immediately after school offers more advantages. Some argue that studying at university or college is essential to become successful at work. However, I believe that working upon graduation from school can also be a great way to succeed in a career.

On the one hand, some people believe that higher education provides the necessary qualifications and skills for a career. They argue that degrees from universities or colleges are required for professions such as medicine, engineering, or law, where specialized knowledge is required. Supporters of this view claim that by obtaining such degrees, individuals increase their chances of landing high-paying jobs and gaining a competitive edge in their fields.

On the other hand, I believe that joining the workforce immediately after school can be equally beneficial. Many industries value hands-on experience over formal education. People who start working after completing high school can gain practical skills that are often more relevant to their specific job roles. In addition to this, skipping higher education not only gives individuals the chance to earn money sooner but also allows them to avoid student debt, which is a barrier to success for most students. Therefore, for some people, especially those from poorer sections of society, gaining work experience early on may provide a more direct path to career success.

In conclusion, while obtaining a degree can be an important factor for certain career paths, I tend to think that practical work experience can also lead to a successful career.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 19 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The graph illustrates the nitrogen oxide emissions produced by four different types of vehicles, namely diesel cars, petrol cars, lorries, and buses at speeds ranging from 10 to 130 kilometers per hour (kph). Overall, buses and lorries emit significantly higher amounts of nitrogen oxides compared to petrol cars and diesel cars. It is also interesting to note that buses have the highest emissions at all speeds, while diesel cars consistently produce the lowest emissions.

At 10 kph, buses emit about 40 grams per kilometer (g/km), which steadily decreases as speed increases, reaching approximately 25 g/km at 60 kph. However, as the speed rises, the nitrogen oxide emissions also increase, reaching more than 40 g/km at 130 kph. The lorries follow a rather similar pattern, starting at around 35 g/km and declining to about 15 g/km at 90 kph. However, the figure rose as the speed accelerated and reached 25 g/km at 130 kph.

Petrol cars, in contrast, start at around 15 g/km, and their emissions increased gradually with speed, hitting 5 g/km at 130 kph. Buses maintain the lowest emission levels, producing around 5 g/km across all speeds.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

Some argue that it is more beneficial to avoid employment altogether than to endure a job that brings dissatisfaction. However, I believe that working in an unsatisfactory job can still provide advantages that unemployment cannot offer.

On the one hand, some people believe that it is better to be unemployed than to have a job that brings no joy. They argue that working in a job that one dislikes can lead to stress, poor mental health, and a lack of motivation. This can adversely affect a person’s overall well-being. Supporters of this view claim that when people are unemployed, they have the opportunity to focus on self-improvement, explore their passions, and search for more fulfilling career opportunities, leading to a more satisfying and balanced life in the long run.

On the other hand, I believe that being employed, even in a job that is not enjoyable, can provide significant benefits. Firstly, a job offers financial security, which is crucial for meeting daily needs and supporting oneself or a family. In addition, working, even if without satisfaction, can provide valuable experience and networking opportunities that may bring better career options in the future. Furthermore, employment helps individuals remain active and engaged, preventing the potential feelings of isolation or loss of purpose that can come with long-term unemployment. Therefore, in many cases, the stability and opportunities provided by a job, even an unsatisfying one, are preferable to the uncertainty of being unemployed.

In conclusion, while it may seem appealing to avoid working in a job that does not bring happiness, I tend to think that staying employed offers essential benefits which make it a more practical choice than unemployment.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 20 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The bar chart compares the average number of hours students spent studying on weekdays and weekends across five different universities in 2015. Overall, students dedicated more hours to studying during weekdays than weekends in all universities.

In terms of weekdays, students at University C studied for the highest number of hours, with an average of 10.6 hours per day, followed by students from University B and University E, who averaged 10.1 and 10 hours, respectively. Students at University A and University D studied slightly less, with 9.8 and 9.6 hours, respectively.

On weekends, the hours of study were significantly lower. Students studying at University A studied for 9 hours, this figure being the most among the five universities, while students at University D studied for the fewest hours, averaging only 5.6 hours. University B, University C, and University E fell in between, recording 8.6, 7.8, and 6.2 hours of study for their students, respectively.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

People have opposing views about whether celebrities should accept the media invading their private lives as part of being famous. While some think this is an unavoidable part of fame, I believe that celebrities have the right to privacy.

On the one hand, some people think that media intrusion is simply the price celebrities pay for success. They believe that when people choose careers in acting or sports, they accept that they will lose some privacy. For example, famous actors and athletes often use the media to promote their work or build their reputation. Supporters of this view say it is unrealistic to enjoy the benefits of fame without accepting its negative sides. They argue that celebrities cannot like the attention when it suits them and then complain when it becomes too much.

On the other hand, many believe that celebrities should still have the right to privacy. They argue that being famous does not give the media the right to invade someone’s personal life. Even though public figures get attention, it does not mean their private moments should be shared with the world. Celebrities are still human beings, and too much media pressure can cause serious mental health problems. There are many examples of celebrities talking about how constant media attention has hurt their well-being. This shows that fame should not take away their right to have privacy.

In conclusion, while being famous may mean being more in the public eye, I think celebrities deserve privacy. The media should respect their personal lives.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 21 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The line graph illustrates the trends in computer ownership in the U.S. from 1997 to 2012, categorized into four groups: no computer, 1 computer, 2 computers, and 3 or more computers. Overall, the proportion of people with no computer experienced a significant decline, while the there were upward trends for people possessing 1, 2, and 3 or more computers throughout the period.

In 1997, the majority of people (about 70%) did not own a computer. This figure rapidly decreased over the years, falling to around 20% by 2012. By contrast, the percentage of people with 1 computer increased steadily from approximately 30% in 1997 to a peak of 50% in 2003, after which point it declines minimally by 3 percentage points. Then it slightly rose, reaching 50% in 2012.

For people owning 2 computers and also those having 3 and more computers, the rising trends were more gradual. The figure for the former started at roughly 5% in 1997, this figure increasing to more than 20% by 2012. That of the latter however started at almost 2%, rising to 10% by the end of the period.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

Some people believe the main goal of advertising is to increase the sales figures and targets, while others think it serves other important purposes too. I agree that the key purpose of advertising is making money, but I also think advertising does more than just getting people to buy things.

On the one hand, it is generally true that advertising is designed to help companies increase income by promoting their products and services. Companies spend money on advertisements to create awareness and persuade consumers to make purchases. For example, they often highlight what makes their products different from rivals, which helps attract customers and increase sales. Some argue that without advertising, people would not know their options, and companies would have a hard time boosting their sales.

On the other hand, advertising has other purposes besides driving sales. It helps build a company’s image and creates loyalty among customers. Many companies, like Apple, use ads to create a strong brand identity. In these cases, the aim of advertising is not just to improve short-term sales, but to build long-term customer relationships. In addition to this, advertisements are often used to inform and educate the public, especially in areas like health and safety. For instance, campaigns about smoking or safe driving aim to change behavior, not just sell a product.

In conclusion, while the main goal of advertising may be to increase sales, it also helps companies build their brand and inform the public. Therefore, I believe advertising has a broader impact beyond just boosting sales and profits.

سوال Writing Task 1 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

Test Date: September 22 2024

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک یک آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

The line graph illustrates the trends in computer ownership in the U.S. from 1997 to 2012, categorized into four groups: no computer, 1 computer, 2 computers, and 3 or more computers. Overall, the proportion of people with no computer experienced a significant decline, while the there were upward trends for people possessing 1, 2, and 3 or more computers throughout the period.

In 1997, the majority of people (about 70%) did not own a computer. This figure rapidly decreased over the years, falling to around 20% by 2012. By contrast, the percentage of people with 1 computer increased steadily from approximately 30% in 1997 to a peak of 50% in 2003, after which point it declines minimally by 3 percentage points. Then it slightly rose, reaching 50% in 2012.

For people owning 2 computers and also those having 3 and more computers, the rising trends were more gradual. The figure for the former started at roughly 5% in 1997, this figure increasing to more than 20% by 2012. That of the latter however started at almost 2%, rising to 10% by the end of the period.

سوال Writing Task 2 ماژول آکادمیک آزمون آیلتس

writing Task

نمونه پاسخ به سوال تسک دو آزمون آیلتس

A Sample Answer (Band 7)

Some people believe the main goal of advertising is to increase the sales figures and targets, while others think it serves other important purposes too. I agree that the key purpose of advertising is making money, but I also think advertising does more than just getting people to buy things.

On the one hand, it is generally true that advertising is designed to help companies increase income by promoting their products and services. Companies spend money on advertisements to create awareness and persuade consumers to make purchases. For example, they often highlight what makes their products different from rivals, which helps attract customers and increase sales. Some argue that without advertising, people would not know their options, and companies would have a hard time boosting their sales.

On the other hand, advertising has other purposes besides driving sales. It helps build a company’s image and creates loyalty among customers. Many companies, like Apple, use ads to create a strong brand identity. In these cases, the aim of advertising is not just to improve short-term sales, but to build long-term customer relationships. In addition to this, advertisements are often used to inform and educate the public, especially in areas like health and safety. For instance, campaigns about smoking or safe driving aim to change behavior, not just sell a product.

In conclusion, while the main goal of advertising may be to increase sales, it also helps companies build their brand and inform the public. Therefore, I believe advertising has a broader impact beyond just boosting sales and profits.