نمونه سوالات اسپیکینگ آیلتس

نمونه سوالات اسپیکینگ آیلتس

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: July 28 2024

پاسخ به سوال پارت یک Learning Languages 👇


Language learning

  • Which languages did you learn at school?
  • Did you like learning languages at school?
  • Is it a good idea to learn other languages?
  • Which language would you like to learn in the future?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو Learning Languages 👇


.Describe a time you made a complaint about something and were pleased with the result

:You should say

  • who you complained to.
  • what you complained about.
  • how easy it was to complain.
  • and explain why you were pleased with the result of the complaint.

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه Learning Languages 👇


  • What are some common things people often make complaints about in your country?
  • In your opinion, is it better to make a complaint in person or in writing? Why?
  • Do you think young people complain more or less than older people? Why?
  • Why is it important for companies to respond well to customers' complaints?
  • What can companies learn from customers' complaints?
  • Do you think that companies should always give compensation to customers who make complaints? Why or why not?
  • Do you think people often complain because they have unrealistic expectations?
  • Why do you think some people always complain about life while others never do?
  • What is your view on the idea that without complaints, the world would never improve?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 2 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک T-shirts 👇



  • How often do you wear T-shirts?
  • Have you ever bought a T-shirt as a souvenir from a holiday/vacation?
  • Do you like T-shirts which have pictures on them?
  • How fashionable are T-shirts for older people in your country?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe something you remember about your first day at a new school.

:You should say

  • where the school was.
  • what you remember well.
  • how you felt about your first day at the school.
  • and explain why you remember this about your first day at the new school.

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • What steps can parents take to prepare their children for their first day at school?
  • What are the main benefits that children gain from starting school?
  • Why might some children find it challenging to start school?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages for workers who change jobs frequently?
  • Why is workplace orientation important for new employees?
  • How do frequent employee turnovers affect companies?
  • Why do some people fear change?
  • Do you think organizations should embrace change instead of resisting it? Why or why not?
  • Do you agree or disagree that social change should happen rapidly rather than gradually? Why?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 3 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک 👇



  • What is your favorite number?
  • Are you good at remembering phone numbers?
  • Do you usually use numbers?
  • Are you good at math?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe something you own that you want to replace

:You should say

  • what it is.
  • where it is.
  • how you got it.
  • and explain why you want to replace it.

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • What are some of the most common reasons why people replace things they own?
  • Why do you think some people seem to replace things more often than others?
  • Is there a difference between replacing something that's broken and impulsively buying a new version of something you already own? Why or why not?
  • When people make expensive purchases, what factors do they typically consider before buying?
  • Do you think it's always necessary to buy the most expensive option to get a good quality product? Why or why not?
  • Do people generally regret buying expensive things? Why or why not?
  • What are some of the reasons why consumerism has become so prevalent in today's society?
  • How do you think consumerism impacts the environment?
  • Do you think there are ways to be a responsible consumer while still enjoying the benefits of shopping? How can people achieve this balance?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 4 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک Space and the Stars 👇


Space and the stars

  • Did you learn anything about space and the stars when you were at school?
  • Would you like to find out more about space and the stars?
  • Do you enjoy watching science-fiction films/movies set in space?
  • Would you like to travel into space one day?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe a plant (flower, vegetable or fruit) grown in your country.

:You should say

  • What the plant is.
  • Where it is grown.
  • Why you like or dislike it.
  • And explain why this is an important plant.

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • How important are plants to the environment?
  • Do you think people nowadays understand the importance of plants?
  • What can individuals do to protect plant life?
  • What are the benefits of living in the countryside?
  • What challenges do people face living in rural areas?
  • Do you think more people will move to the countryside in the future?
  • How does urbanization affect the countryside?
  • What measures can be taken to minimize the negative impact of urbanization on rural areas?
  • Do you think urbanization is always negative for the countryside?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 10 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک 👇



  • How often do you eat chocolate?
  • Did you like chocolate when you were a child?
  • Have you ever given someone chocolate as a present/gift?
  • Why do you think chocolate is so popular in many parts of the world?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe a time when you had an unusual meal.

:You should say

  • when you had this meal.
  • where you had this meal.
  • who was with you at this meal.
  • and explain what was unusual about this meal.

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • How popular is fast food in your country?
  • Is the food people eat at home changing in your country?
  • Why do some people enjoy eating in restaurants?
  • How does the quality of home-cooked food compare with restaurant food?
  • Does restaurant food offer good value for money?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of transporting food around the world today?
  • Has science and technology had a positive or negative effect on food production?
  • Do you think artificial food made in laboratories will ever replace natural food?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 11 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک 👇



  • What kind of jewellery do you think looks nice?
  • How often do you wear jewellery?
  • Have you ever bought jewellery for someone else?
  • Why do you think some people keep a piece of jewellery for a long time?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe a person who you enjoyed talking to at a party.

:You should say

  • Who the person was
  • When and where the party was
  • What you talked about
  • And explain why you enjoyed talking to this person at the party

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • Where do people often talk to new people?
  • What things do people usually talk about when they meet new people?
  • How does talking to new people differ from talking to friends?
  • Why do some people struggle to make conversation with others?
  • What difficulties do some adults face when talking to children?
  • Do you think it's challenging to have an enjoyable conversation with people who talk a lot?
  • Do people genuinely listen to each other's viewpoints when debating important topics?
  • Do you agree that the best public speakers always present balanced views on important topics?
  • What do you think about the view that people will never agree on the most important questions facing humanity?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 12 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک 👇



  • What kind of music do you listen to when you're alone?
  • Have you always listened to the same kind of music as your friends?
  • Are there any musicians you would like to see in a live concert?
  • Is there any kind of music that you don't enjoy very much?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe someone you know who made a good decision recently .

:You should say

  • Who he/she is.
  • When he/she made the decision.
  • What decision he/she made.
  • Why it was a good decision.
  • And explain how you felt about the decision.

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • How do you think people can determine whether a decision is good or not?
  • In what ways can making a good decision impact someone's career or personal life?
  • Do you think it is important to consult others before making a significant decision?
  • What are some common factors that can lead to poor decision-making?
  • In what ways can the decision-making process be improved to ensure better outcomes?
  • How important is it for parents to involve their children in decisions that affect them?
  • In what ways can parental decisions impact a child's future development and happiness?
  • How can parents balance making decisions for their children while still allowing them to develop independence?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 13 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک 👇


Sharing things

  • Have you shared anything with others recently?
  • What kind of things do you like to share with others?
  • What kinds of things are not suitable to share with others?
  • Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe a trip that you made by public transport.

:You should say

  • When and where you went.
  • What kind of transport you used.
  • How was your trip.
  • And explain why you chose to use public transport.

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • How do you think the advancements in technology have changed the way people travel?
  • What are the environmental impacts of different transportation systems?
  • How can governments encourage people to use public transport rather than private vehicles?
  • What role does traveling play in people's overall happiness and quality of life?
  • How does travel contribute to cultural exchange and understanding between cultures?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 14 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک 👇



  • Do you prefer modern or traditional arts?
  • Would you go to an art gallery if you had free time?
  • Did you do much art when you were a child?
  • Do you think you would like to be an artist?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe a trip that you made by public transport.

:You should say

  • What law it is
  • What changes this law brings
  • How you came up with the new law
  • And explain how you feel about this new law

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • What factors should be considered when designing a new law to ensure it is effective?
  • What are some common reasons why new laws may face resistance from the public?
  • How important is it for new laws to be adaptable or flexible over time?
  • How can new laws be communicated to the public to ensure they are well understood and followed?
  • What are the potential consequences of not enforcing laws properly?
  • How can local governments collaborate with national authorities to implement new laws effectively?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 15 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک 👇


Small Businesses

  • Are there many small businesses where you live?
  • Do you prefer to buy things from a small business or a large company?
  • Have you ever worked for a small business?
  • Would you like to start your own small business one day?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe a daily routine that you enjoy.

You should say:

  • What it is
  • Where and when you do it?
  • Why you do it?
  • And explain why you enjoy it

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • What are some common types of routine that people might follow in their lives at home?
  • Does having set routines at home make things less stressful?
  • What are the benefits for young people of having a consistent daily routine at school?
  • How important are school trips like visits to museums as a way to break up the daily routine for children?
  • Should older children have more freedom to decide their own study routines or is a structured approach better?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 16 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک 👇



  • Are you interested in news?
  • How often do you read news?
  • Do you read news in newspapers or on the internet?
  • Do you discuss news with friends?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe a new development in your city ( for example, a shopping mall or leisure facilities).

You should say:

  • What the development is
  • When/where you noticed it
  • How long it took to complete it
  • And explain how you feel about it

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


    Do people in your country still like to go to the cinema?
  • Some people prefer to watch movies at home rather than attending cinema. Why?
  • What do you think is the most popular means of transport in your hometown?
  • What needs to be improved in public transport?
  • In what ways can we solve the traffic problem?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 16 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک 👇



  • Are you interested in news?
  • How often do you read news?
  • Do you read news in newspapers or on the internet?
  • Do you discuss news with friends?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe a new development in your city ( for example, a shopping mall or leisure facilities).

You should say:

  • What the development is
  • When/where you noticed it
  • How long it took to complete it
  • And explain how you feel about it

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • Do people in your country still like to go to the cinema?
  • Some people prefer to watch movies at home rather than attending cinema. Why?
  • What do you think is the most popular means of transport in your hometown?
  • What needs to be improved in public transport?
  • In what ways can we solve the traffic problem?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 17 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک 👇



  • Is the weekend your favorite part of the week?
  • Do you ever work or study during the weekends?
  • What did you do last weekend?
  • Do you prefer to plan how to spend weekends?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe your favourite weather.

You should say:

  • What kind of weather it is
  • When this weather usually occurs
  • What you usually do during this weather
  • And explain why you like this type of weather

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • How does the weather influence people's daily activity in your country?
  • How do you think the government should address these problems?
  • Do you think weather affects people's mood? In what ways?
  • How do you think tourism is affected by weather conditions?
  • What role do weather forecasts play in people's lives?
  • Do you think weather forecasting has improved in recent years?
  • How important is it for children to learn about weather and climate change in school?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 18 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک 👇



  • How do children celebrate their birthdays?
  • How did you celebrate your last birthday?
  • Is there a difference between the way you celebrated birthdays in the past and in the present?
  • Is it important for people to celebrate their birthdays?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe a famous person who is a role model for young people.

You should say:

  • Who this person is
  • What they have achieved
  • Why young people admire them
  • And explain how this person inspires young people

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • What kinds of people are likely to be role models for teenagers?
  • Is it important for children to have role models?
  • What sorts of people are famous in your country these days?
  • How do people become famous?
  • Are there any differences between people who became famous twenty years ago and the people who are famous today?
  • What good qualities do famous people have?

سوال 1 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

Test Date: 19 August 2024

نمونه پاسخ به سوالات پارت یک 👇


Days of the Week

  • Which is your favorite day of the week?
  • Do you do the same things on the same days every week?
  • Which day of the week are the busiest days for you?
  • If you could change something you do every week, what would you change?

سوال 2 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت دو 👇


Describe a person you know who is talented.

You should say:

  • Who this person is
  • What their talent is
  • How you know about their talent
  • And explain why you think this talent is special

سوال 3 آزمون اسپیکینگ آیلتس

پاسخ به سوال پارت سه 👇


  • How can parents help their children discover and develop talents?
  • Do you think competitions play an important role in developing talents?
  • How can schools or educational institutions help in developing students' talents?
  • In what ways can a society benefit from nurturing individuals' talents?
  • Do you think society tends to focus more on certain types of talents, such as in sports?
  • Can talent put people at a disadvantage at times?