مشاوره رایگان 02145328

نمونه رایتینگ Task 1 از کتاب کمبریج ۱ تست ۳

موسسه تخصصی زبان زنگنه
نمونه رایتینگ Task 1 از کتاب کمبریج ۱ تست ۳ نمونه رایتینگ Task 1 از کتاب کمبریج ۱ تست ۳

بنا به درخواست دانشجویان مبنی بر نوشتن نمونه رایتینگ توسط مدرس موسسه، بنا را بر آن نهادیم که هر کدام از سوالات آیلتس که نوشتن آن برای دانشجویان دشوار میباشد را به عنوان نمونه بنویسیم. نمونه ها طوری نوشته شده اند که اغلب ساختارهایی که در کلاس تدریس میشوند در آنها وجود داشته باشند. لطفا به تک تک این ساختارها که در کلاس ها تدریس میشوند دقت کنید...


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

The chart below shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain. The graph shows the trends in consumption of fast foods.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

You should write at least 150 words.


The bar graph and the line graph illustrate how much three income brackets spent on fast food in Britain and how they consumed three items of fast food over a twenty year period, respectively.

Overall, what stands out from the bar chart is that fast food gained more popularity among people with high income level than with those with average or low earnings. High earners spent bigger on hamburgers than they did on the other fast food items. Hamburger was nearly twice as popular as the other options namely, pizza and fish and chips (at around 45, 20, and 17 pence being spent respectively.) The same pattern can be more or less observed, though with small changes, among the second group i.e., people with average income, with hamburgers being the most popular option and fish and chips being ranked second at nearly 33 and 25 pence in turn. Pizza was consumed the least among this group. Moving to the fast food consumption figures among the low earners, we can see the pattern differs. The amount of hamburger use was not as high as that of fish and chips. Pizza, being the bottom of the list, was only half as popular as fish and chips at nearly 9 and 18 pence in turn.

As for the information in the line graph, we can observe that fish and chips were by far the most popular item (at just over 300 grams) whereas Hamburger and pizza suffered from the lowest popularity (at well under 100 grams). Over the period, we can observe similar upward trends in the consumption of hamburgers and pizza, although the former rose more steeply. Hamburger consumption rate rose more than fivefold, reaching its peak at around 550 grams, while we can observe a gradual rise in the level of pizza consumption to about 270 grams. In sharp contrast to these items, fish and chips lost its popularity over the period in question.  

Word count: 312

Written by Vahid Kurd

Estimated Band Score: 8.5

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