مشاوره رایگان 02145328

نمونه Writing Task 2 آیلتس

موسسه تخصصی زبان زنگنه
نمونه Writing Task 2 آیلتس نمونه Writing Task 2 آیلتس

نمونه رایتینگ آیلتس که تقریبا نمره 7.5 تا 8 را به خود اختصاص میدهد

Nowadays technology is increasingly being used to monitor what people are saying and doing (for example,through cell phone tracking and security cameras). In many cases, the people being monitored are unaware that this is happening. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

In the present mechanically advanced world, technology has stepped in most parts of our life. Such technological progress as surveillance video through close circuit TV cameras or mobile phones are employed by both private and public sectors for monitoring what people do and say. To my way of thinking, it is not worth sacrificing privacy for safety by surveillance cameras.

Starting with the merits of such technological advances, the central one can be the fact that they act as a deterrent, enhancing the level of safety in society. Criminals of many sorts would tend to commit less crimes thanks to the rise in the probability of being captured by the cameras, thus being followed by the police. Take shoplifters as an illustration. After having been equipped by surveillance cameras, shops are made less secure for criminals to attack. As another example, detecting murderers is easier as a result of tracking the mobile phones, checking the messages and the dialogues of the victim via the recent contacts made to see what happened and who the possible murderer can be. As a consequence, people can live serenely without the constant anxiety of being robbed, injured, and killed since technology discourages and prevents criminals to do so comfortably.

Turning to the dark side, infringement of human right and violation of privacy can make such technology disadvantageous. Security cameras occasionally have gone too far! Feeling of being monitored by someone can raise discomfort, distrust and resentment. A good example of this would be in the workplace. Monitoring the employees through a security camera means a lot to them. Recording whatever personal the staff members do and say even on the phone at work, however beneficial to the company, gives rise to employees’ distress and anxiety, which in turn leads to development of a negative attitude toward the company and therefore the destruction of the staff loyalty, making this technology in the long run counterproductive.

In short, mistrust and discomfort brought by invasion of privacy caused by security cameras overshadow the merit of following the criminals with the help of this technology.  

 با آرزوی کسب نمره بالا در IELTS

Word counts: 346 words

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