مشاوره رایگان 02145328

نمونه Writing Task 1 آکادمیک

موسسه تخصصی زبان زنگنه
نمونه Writing Task 1 آکادمیک نمونه Writing Task 1 آکادمیک

در این مقاله نمونه ای از رایتینگ task 1 را با نمره ی هشت را آورده ایم.

The bar chart below shows the employment of all male and female workers by occupation in the UK, in the year 2005.


The bar chart gives the proportion of the workforce by gender and type of work in the UK in 2005. Overall, what stands out from the chart is that male workers did not choose to follow the same jobs as those taken by their female peers.

The most noticeable difference is illustrated in the field of skilled trades. In this regard, men outnumbered women. Regarding the managerial positions, men were also dominant. In a similar fashion, among professionals, there were more men than women at around 14% and 12 % respectively. In addition to these, in the sector of processing, plant and machinery, there were far more men than women with the ratio being approximately 12% and 2% in turn.

On the other hand, in some fields, it was women who took the lead in the workforce. In such fields as administrative and secretarial, personal service, and sales and customer service, women maintained a clear dominance over men, with the first field being the most striking.

In conclusion, except for two fields namely associate professional and technical and elementary, where the figures were more or less similar for both genders, the proportion of men and women at work was not similar.


امیدوارم نمره خوبی در امتحان IELTS بدست بیارید.

Word count: 201 words

مطالب مرتبط

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