مشاوره رایگان 02145328

به نمره ی 7 در رایتینگ فکر کنید!

موسسه تخصصی زبان زنگنه
به نمره ی 7 در رایتینگ فکر کنید! به نمره ی 7 در رایتینگ فکر کنید!

تغییرات بوجود آمده طی چند ماه اخیر در نمرات داده شده به رایتینگ آیلتس، اغلب داوطلبان IELTS را دچار مشکل کرده است. نگران نباشید. نمونه زیراگر چه سعی بر آن بود که به سادگی هر چه تمام تر نوشته شود، به نظر به نمره 7 دست پیدا میکند. اگر رایتینگ شما در این حد میباشد، که برای خیلی از دوستان هم صدق میکند، نگران نباشید و به آمادگی خود ادامه دهید. نمره 7 IELTS در انتظار شماست. 

Obesity is a major problem prevalent among people. What are its causes and what solutions can be offered?

In recent years, we have seen a considerable rise in the level of fatness among people of all generations. This is a growing issue almost all over the world. In my opinion, the main reasons behind this health issue can be eating habits and sedentary lifestyle, and the onus is one the media and people themselves to focus on these root causes to minimize this critical problem.

To start with, corpulence can be rooted in people's bad eating habits. Leaving house some mornings without breakfast can understandably mean gaining extra calories later in the lunch meal. As another illustration, most people munch chips in front of their favorite TV show. Such destructive dietary habits mean weight gain without realizing what you are doing to your health. Some measures can be taken, one of which seems more practical. To address this problem, the media may be able to play an outstanding role to raise the awareness of the public through television programs, for instance, to break such unhealthy eating habits  and lose their weight painlessly.

Another reason why overweight is burgeoning is that people lead a physically inactive life. Sitting at a desk at work, driving to work and back home, reading, watching television, playing video games, and using a mobile phone and computer at home for much of the day are thought to be the features of the modern way of life. These routinized activities do not lead to burning calories that they receive on a daily basis. Consequently, they gain extra weight. The way forward is changing lifestyle to lead a more active life by the public. For example, they can take the stairs rather than the elevator, walk around, and do different exercises that they enjoy during different seasons such as swimming and taking a walk on the beach in the summertime and skiing in the winter. Adopting such strategies and undergoing changes would dramatically help people lose weight. 

In conclusion, the major reasons behind obesity are unawareness about diet and physical inactivity. The major roles are played by the media and individuals.

مطالب مرتبط

پنج نکته برای آمادگی در رایتینگ تسک 2
موسسه زنگنه
تاریخ انتشار : 1398-11-20

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موسسه زنگنه
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موسسه زنگنه
تاریخ انتشار : 1398-11-21

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