اصطلاحات مهم در GRE (بخش سوم)

اصطلاحات مهم در GRE (بخش سوم)

23. In (and of )itself        به خودی خود

The idea in and of itself is not bad , but the side issues introduce many difficulties.

24. Tit-for-tat                     مقابله به مثل کردن

A dangerous game of tit-for-tat.

25. Send up       به تمسخر گرفتن، به سخره گرفتن

Grandiloquently eccentric but witty verbiage that would send up the nastiness of suburb London.

26. Under the guise of         در لباس،در ظاهر) باطنا چیزی غیراز ظاهر)

His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism.

27. Vim and vigor            شور وشوق، انرژی

He was full of vim and vigor after that swim.

28. S.th that is lost on s.b         چیزی که توسط کسی درک نمیشود

My jokes are lost on him .He is too literal.

29.With no holds barred          بدون هیچ محدودیت و مانعی

His new show may offend some viewers .This is comedy with no holds barred.

30.Give currency to s.th        تایید کردن ،اشاعه دادن ،رواج دادن

I can’t give any currency to anything Ralph Jones says.

31. Limp along                        به سختی پیش رفتن ،جان کندن

I limped along for years trying to finish my degree because I had a family to support and I needed to work .

32. Lay down arms                             تسلیم شدن

The soldiers laid down their arms and surrendered.

33. To be sacrificed on the altar of           چیزی را فدای چیزی کردن

Service and quality have been sacrificed on the altar of profit.