مشاوره رایگان 02145328

یک نمونه رایتینگ Task 2 برای رسیدن به نمره 7 آیلتس

موسسه تخصصی زبان زنگنه
یک نمونه رایتینگ Task 2 برای رسیدن به نمره 7 آیلتس یک نمونه رایتینگ Task 2 برای رسیدن به نمره 7 آیلتس

در ادامه نمونه رایتینگ های IELTS بنا به درخواست یکی از دانشجویان برای ارایه نمونه 7 به سوال ایشان پاسخ داده ایم

 IELTS Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Boys and girls should study in mixed schools.

Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Only through an excellent way of education system can a country develop, and hence whether girls and boys should co-educate orbe separated into single sex schools has been a debate for decades. 

On the one hand, in coeducational schools, boys and girls can learn how to deal with the opposite genders. In other words, learning how to mixing in with one another at an early age is a crucial social skill. If they do not learn it, especially in modern societies where most children are the only child of the family

having no sibling to understand the opposite genders, they may have communication problems for years.For example,in my country, Iran,where coeducational schooling is prohibited, having limited communication of any sort with the opposite sex until going to university, young people cannot successfully establish an effective rapport. As a result, this misunderstanding can harm their education to a great extent.

On the other hand, the disadvantages of such type of educational setting should not be overlooked. One main demerit can be viewed from educational standpoint. It is widely accepted that boys and girls are different in terms of their physical and mental capabilities, so teachers may have to use different techniques and teaching methods to different genders. Take,physical education as an illustration. How is it possible that boys with greater physical abilities do the same activities as the girls who are physically less strong do? As another example, girls are believed to outperform boys in some subjects. As a teacher teaching English at high school, I can say girls are better than boys in terms of linguistic abilities. Therefore, it is clear that teachers should adopt different approaches to different genders. This by itself can affect the atmosphere and the flow of lessons in the classroom. 

All in all, I tend to think that boys and girls are better to be taught with each other to improve their interpersonal skill and be ready for the interactional challanges that life throws at them.

مطالب مرتبط

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