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نمونه Writing Task 2 آیلتس

موسسه تخصصی زبان زنگنه
نمونه Writing Task 2  آیلتس نمونه Writing Task 2  آیلتس

به نمونه نوشته شده زیر دقت نمایید، این نمونه حدودا به نمره 7 ایلتس دست پیدا میکند

 Directors of large companies often receive much bigger salary increases than ordinary workers. Employers' organizations say that in global market this is necessary to attract the best management talent.

What are your views?


In recent years, rewarding employees properly and encouraging them right is of high significance for managers of big corporations and companies. Typical managers working in senior positions have high salaries which let them have a more luxurious life. For instance, an average chairman in big company earns three times more than ordinary workers do. Some say it is a good idea to attract the managers through high salary. I subscribe to this view to a great extent. 

People who are at variance with the view of giving higher salaries to employ the managers have one main reason for this. They suggest that equality of payment avoids discrimination, jealousy and wrong rivalry at work. Such attitudes may corrupt any company in case the managers do not make the lower level job holders aware of the reasons behind the difference in the salary. 

On the other hand, there are strong reasons to hold the opposing idea. To begin with, some employer organizations try to find best talents in managerial positions which are necessary in global market because they have considerable impact on the productivity of the company. Such high powered jobs affect the success of companies many times more than other low level positions. So it is fair to give them higher salaries. 

Another reason is that those who occupy management positions are expected to have more complex educational background, experiences and qualifications, without which it seems next to impossible for work to be done properly. As opposed to those without such qualifications, such high level managers have higher expectations. Unless their expectations are met at least through being paid appropriately, the efficiency of their work decrease significantly. 

All things considered, although some people make a valid point that incorrect prize and motivation can possibly lead to negative consequences and care must be exercised not to develop wrong attitudes among the staff members, I personally tend to think that people in managerial posts should be paid higher since they deserve it and it leads to better results for companies. 


 Word count: 333 words 

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