مشاوره رایگان 02145328

آموزش گرامر The future – degrees of certainty – درس چهل و چهارم

موسسه تخصصی زبان زنگنه
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مکالمه انگلیسی
آموزش گرامر The future – degrees of certainty – درس چهل و چهارم آموزش گرامر The future – degrees of certainty – درس چهل و چهارم

آیا می دانید برای صحبت درباره ی اتفاقات آینده و اطمینان از پیش آمد آن، چگونه باید از عبارات definitely، be likely to و probably won't استفاده نمایید. ما می توانیم اطمینان خود از وقایع آینده را با استفاده از افعال کمکی و عباراتی دیگر نشان دهیم.

افعال کمکی و قیدها (Modal verbs and adverbs)

برای نشان دادن میزان اطمینان خود می توانیم از افعال کمکی از جمله (will، might، may یا could) و قیدها مانند (probably و definitely) استفاده نماییم.

future events

Very sure

People will definitely work from home more in the future.

Robots definitely won't replace all human jobs.


Donna will really enjoy this film.

You won't regret it.

Almost sure

We'll probably finish the project by tomorrow.

He probably won't have enough time.

Not sure

I might go to the party, but I'm not sure yet.

He hasn't studied much, so he might not pass the exam.

زمانی که مطمئن نیستید می توانید از may، could و may notاستفاده نمایید، هرچند برای آینده به طور معمول از could not استفاده نمی کنیم.

سایر عبارات (Other expressions)

برای صحبت درباره ی اتفااقات آینده می توانیم از be bound to و be likely to یا افعال think و doubt کمک بگیریم

future events

Very sure

He's bound to feel nervous before his driving test.

She's certain to get that job!

He's certain that he'll get here on time.

There's no chance that we'll ever win the lottery.

There's no way that my boss will give me the day off.


I'm sure that you'll do well in the interview.

Are you sure that you won't be available?

Almost sure

The government's likely to call an election soon.

Ali's unlikely to be invited to the party.

There's a good chance that it'll snow this week.

There's not much chance that I'll finish this essay tonight.

She thinks he'll be able to help.

I don't think we'll have petrol-based cars in the future.

I doubt they'll have any trouble finding the address.

What do you expect mobile phones will be like in ten years' time?

Not sure

There's a chance that she'll be back at work tomorrow.

There's a chance that he might come and visit us next week.

I think we might see more of these problems in the next few years.

I'm not sure that I'll be able to finish this pizza!

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