مشاوره رایگان 02145328

آموزش گرامر Future continuous and future perfect – درس بیست و دوم

موسسه تخصصی زبان زنگنه
آموزش گرامر Future continuous and future perfect – درس بیست و دوم آموزش گرامر Future continuous and future perfect – درس بیست و دوم

کاربرد عباراتی مثل I'll be studying یا I'll have finished را می دانید؟ به مثال های زیر توجه کنید تا قاعده ی future continuous و future perfect را دریابید.

future continuous and future perfect
.In three years' time, I'll be studying medicine
.In five years' time, I'll have finished studying medicine

از future continuous (will/won't be + -ing form) برای صحبت درباره ی عملی ادامه دار در آینده استفاده می شود.

future continuous
.When you come out of school tomorrow, I'll be boarding a plane
.Try to call before 8 o'clock. After that, we'll be watching the match
.You can visit us during the first week of July. I won't be working then
.Today we're taking the bus but next week we'll be taking the train
.He'll be staying with his parents for several months while his father is in recovery
?Will you be starting work earlier with your new job

از future perfect simple (will/won't have + past participle) برای صحبت درباره ی عملی در آینده که زودتر از عمل دیگر انجام می شود، استفاده می شود.

Future perfect
.The guests are coming at 8 p.m. I'll have finished cooking by then
.On 9 October we'll have been married for 50 years
?Will you have gone to bed when I get back

از این عبارات زیر در آینده ی کامل استفاده می شود.

by or by the time (meaning 'at some point before') and in or in a day's time / in two months' time / in five years' time etc. (meaning 'at the end of this period') to give the time period in which the action will be completed.

Future perfect
.I won't have written all the reports by next week
.By the time we arrive, the kids will have gone to bed
.I'll have finished in an hour and then we can watch a film
.In three years' time, I'll have graduated from university

مطالب مرتبط

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موسسه زنگنه
تاریخ انتشار : 1398-12-11

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