آموزش گرامر Phrasal verbs – درس سی و سوم

آموزش گرامر Phrasal verbs – درس سی و سوم

آیا می دانید چگونه باید از فعل در عباراتی مانند pick the kids up, turn the music down and look after my cat استفاده کنید؟ به این مثال ها توجه کنید تا نحوه استفاده از phrasal verbs را بیاموزید.

phrasal verbs

This is the form. Please can you fill it in?

Why are you bringing that argument up now?

Police are looking into connections between the two crimes.

We need to come up with a solution.

استفاده از phrasal verbs در متن های غیررسمی انگلیسی بسیار رایج است، این عبارت ها از یک فعل و عبارتی یک یا دو بخشی تشکیل شده اند و معنی آن عبارت مشخص است که معنی فعل را به طور معمول مشخص می کند

phrasal verbs

I called Jen to see how she was. (call = to telephone)

They've called off the meeting. (call off = to cancel)

از نظر ترتیب قرار گرفتن کلمات، دو گروه phrasal verbs داریم، جدا شدنی (separable) و جدانشدنی (inseparable)

phrasal verbs جداشدنی

در این گروه از phrasal verbs، فعل و بخش دیگر می توانند همراه با هم یا جدا از هم باشند

phrasal verbs
inseparable / separable 

They've called the meeting off.

They've called off the meeting

هرچند زمانی که از ضمیر استفاده می شود باید جدا باشند.

phrasal verbs

The meeting? They've called it off.

در اینجا چند phrasal verbs رایج را برای شما آورده ایم:

phrasal verbs

I didn't want to bring the situation up at the meeting.
(bring up = start talking about a particular subject)

Please can you fill this form in?
(fill in = write information in a form or document)

I'll pick you up from the station at 8 p.m.
(pick up = collect someone in a car or other vehicle to take them somewhere)

She turned the job down because she didn't want to move to Glasgow.
(turn down = to not accept an offer)

phrasal verbs جدانشدنی

برخی از phrasal verbs از یکدیگر جدا نمی شوند، حتی اگر از ضمیر استفاده شود

phrasal verbs

Who looks after the baby when you're at work?

Who looks after her when you're at work?

در ادامه تعدادی از phrasal verbs جدانشدنی رایج را مشاهده می کنید

phrasal verbs

The meeting? They've called it off.

در اینجا چند phrasal verbs رایج را برای شما آورده ایم:

phrasal verbs

I came across your email when I was clearing my inbox.
(come across = to find something by chance)

The caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly.
(turn into = become)

It was quite a major operation. It took months to get over it and feel normal again.
(get over = recover from something)

We are aware of the problem and we are looking into it.
(look into = investigate)

.برخی از افعال چند کلمه ای به این دلیل جدانشدنی هستن که مفعول نمی گیرند
I get up at 7 a.m.

phrasal verbs With two particles

فریزال ورب هایی که دو بخش دارند نیز جدانشدنی هستند، حتی اگر از ضمیر همراه با آنها استفاده شود

phrasal verbs
with two particles

Who came up with that idea?
(come up with = think of an idea or plan)

Let's get rid of these old magazines to make more space.
(get rid of = remove or become free of something that you don't want)

I didn't really get on with my stepbrother when I was a teenager.
(get on with = like and be friendly towards someone)

Can you hear that noise all the time? I don't know how you put up with it.
(put up with = tolerate something difficult or annoying)

The concert's on Friday. I'm really looking forward to it.
(look forward to = be happy and excited about something that is going to happen)