می دونید چجوری باید از افعال کمکی (modal verbs) استفاده کنید تا درباره ی مطمئن بودنت از وقایع گذشته صحبت کنید؟ به این مثال ها توجه کنید تا متوجه شوید افعال must، might، may، could، can’t و couldn’t برای صحبت درباره ی گذشته چگونه در جمله به کار برده می شوند.
استفاده از افعال کمکی برای گذشته |
must, might, may, could, can't and couldn't |
An earthquake? That must have been terrifying! |
We don't know for sure that Alex broke the coffee table. It might have been the dog. |
How did she fail that exam? She can't have studied very much. |
از افعال کمکی می توانیم برای استنباط (deduction) نیز استفاده کنیم- با استفاده از اطلاعات داده شده بتوانیم صحت یک موضوع را حدس بزنیم- افعال کمکی که در جمله بکار می بریم، نشان می دن که چقدر درباره ی یک احتمال اطمینان داریم، این مقاله برروی استنتاج درباره ی گذشته تمرکز دارد.
استفاده از افعال کمکی برای گذشته |
how must, might, may, could, can't and couldn't |
Who told the newspapers about the prime minister's plans? It must have been someone close to him. |
The thief must have had a key. The door was locked and nothing was broken. |
Oh, good! We've got milk. Mo must have bought some yesterday. |
می تونیم از may have یا might have در زمان هایی استفاده کنیم، که احتمال می دهیم اتفاقی افتاده است:
استفاده از افعال کمکی برای گذشته |
might have / may have |
I think I might have left the air conditioning on. Please can you check? |
Police think the suspect may have left the country using a fake passport. |
May have is more formal than might have. Could have is also possible in this context but less common. |
از can't have و couldn't have همراه با اسم مفعولی (past participle) در زمواقعی استفاده می کنیم که فکر می کنیم، احتمال به وقوع پیوستن رخ داد ممکن نبوده است.
استفاده از افعال کمکی برای گذشته |
can't have / couldn't have |
She can't have driven there. Her car keys are still here. |
I thought I saw Adnan this morning but it couldn't have been him – he's in Greece this week. |